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ko 🦊🌸

more software should have the frog button

three buttons in a windows dialog box labelled "Cancel", "Ok", and a sprite of a frog
Nuncio Bitis ✷ ✅ 🏳️‍🌈

@TerrorBite @koko
No - the hounds with bees in their mouths, and when they bark, the bees come out and sting you


@koko I played this so much as a kid and was happy to find out it has a pretty active modding community still

Impzbot :swoobat:

@koko PolyMC, the minecraft modpack manager, has a cat button that puts a cat in the window, and has three cat options in the settings.

at0m (fedifop)

@Impzbot @koko its also made by a bigot afaik, which is Just One reason why prism launcher is better

Bruno Philipe

@koko @herrherrmann so if I’m keeping track, we need:

- a ”frog” button
- a “spuds” button
- an “onion level” gauge


@brunoph @koko @herrherrmann can't build a serious piece of software without these

Göran Roseen

@koko More software should have beveled controls!

Nuncio Bitis ✷ ✅ 🏳️‍🌈

It's the "hey system, go take a flying leap" button.

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