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16 posts total

Anyone considering how to break the #StackOverflow #monopoly already? Any #federated alternative work in progress?

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@Codeberg Viewing it as another type of social network, "...building the software is the easy part. Building a community around the Social Network software is hard - very hard."

Drew DeVault

@Codeberg passing note: SO Q&As are CC and they offer database dumps

WerySkok :verified_think:

@Codeberg I'm not sure that a decentralized knowledge base is a good idea. It should look more like Wikipedia — run by a nonprofit organization, on open source software, allowing exporting dumps

If there was malicious code in a legitimate project hosted on #codeberg, would we remove access to it, including for security researchers?

Short: No!

We are considering how to prevent fetching malicious code by accident, though.

In any case, we are open to collaborating with security researchers. Interested? Help us build a malware hunting team:

Background: #GitHub locked access to source code of xz, which was background of active investigation from the community.

If there was malicious code in a legitimate project hosted on #codeberg, would we remove access to it, including for security researchers?

Short: No!

We are considering how to prevent fetching malicious code by accident, though.

In any case, we are open to collaborating with security researchers. Interested? Help us build a malware hunting team:

To people looking for an archive of the XZ code, you might want to check out which links to GitHub is not the only source of truth, although meta information about the Pull Requests is locked in to this silo.

Daniel Parks

@Codeberg I think it makes sense to block vanilla git clone and the download buttons to prevent people from accidentally packaging or installing it.
I think what I would do is something like requiring the use of a special URL in order for clones to succeed.

We are proud to be home to #Redict, the #fork of the formerly free (but no longer) Redis project. We are using #Redis on our own infrastructure for caching, and we are looking forward to migrate to the new version, then fetched from Codeberg. A small world … 😉

Missed the story? Get up to date here:

Directly check out the code? Check the #Codeberg repo:

Do you thank everyone who makes your software project a success?

Take the time today and explicitly send appreciations to those who don't send you code patches, but help with #design, #localization, user support, defining priorities, community management and so much more!

#NonCodeContributions #FreeSoftware

J Miller


Love this! Civic tech volunteerism runs on gratitude. And yes, those non-code contributions are gold.

And yes, some of ours also runs on Codeberg.


Are you an #admin of a #Forgejo instance? What challenges do you face in terms of #moderation or #spam?

We are caring about your experiences and looking forward to your input in to decide how Forgejo can be improved to make life easier for you (and us).

Thank you for spreading the word!

Aroop Roelofs :verified:

@Codeberg I do run Forgejo but I've turned off registrations.


@Codeberg I think integration with StopForumSpam would be nice. I've actually had their IP list in my firewall forever, and have not really had any spam issues on anything i've hosted.

Good news to break the mess of the past day: Work on federating #Forgejo is ongoing. We are now one step closer to federated stars:

Federation is a key to resilient networks. We are looking forward to it.


@Codeberg Woot, almost there!

By the way, in case I'm not the only one to just now realize it, there is a RSS feed for changes in a given file (in the toolbar with raw/permalink/blame/etc), so we can actually subscribe to the "blog" file :

deci LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO ​:neocat_scream:​
it'll be a fun day when i don't have to make like 21 git accounts for each server :3

It is the time of the year again, where most non-profits are deep into their budget planning. Send them your tip now to let them know that they can count on your contribution in 2024.

Keep in mind that Free/Libre Software really appreciates your donation. Think of which tools you use, think of how much money the maintainers and designers already get there, and let them know your love, if you can spend a penny or two.

Many people in the Codeberg community think that it is very important to read @drewdevault's blog post about the forbidden topics:

The responses to such posts even in our online spaces show that people disagree without even trying to understand it.

We kindly ask you: Read the post, think about it, and try to reflect your own actions accordingly.

In case you missed it: "State of the Forge Federation: 2023 edition" at

We are looking forward to #federation among software forges. Break vendor lock in of #Github,, #Bitbucket and all the other.

@Codeberg hm, maybe slightly off topic for this thread, but why are they insisting that the hierarchy starts with a user?

Nowdays personal repos are rapidly going out of favor (bus factor of one) and instead switching to organisations where multiple users have access to.

Those orgs don't fit into the user schema whatsoever so this seems incredible shortsighted?

I must miss something?
@Codeberg hm, maybe slightly off topic for this thread, but why are they insisting that the hierarchy starts with a user?

Nowdays personal repos are rapidly going out of favor (bus factor of one) and instead switching to organisations where multiple users have access to.

What about #CI on #Codeberg?

We are providing access to our #WoodpeckerCI instance to those who need it, some caveats still apply.

Also, you can read about the upcoming #ForgejoActions.

Check out our docs to learn more about the state of CI on Codeberg:


@Codeberg this is great, is there any plan to support non linux OS? I need to test my softwares on linux but also on various BSDs

{:ok, "Joel Jucá"}

@Codeberg Forgejo Actions are new! What’s that? Smt equivalent to GitHub Actions, or it’s more of a Lambda-like Functions service?

Hi folks, we are sorry, but this downtime could last a moment. It looks like one of our root SSDs failed. While the RAID seems to work, the performance has dropped to a level where the whole service is impacted, and even our shell on that server is near to unresponsive.

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@Codeberg Thanks for letting the community know! 🥰

We're back for now. We'll try to keep everything running until we are able to install the spare hardware.

#NotOnGitHub: Tell us about your favourite #OpenSource / #FreeSoftware projects that are not available on mainstream platforms, whether on a self-hosted cgit or available as an archive download only.

The #FLOSS world is more than #GitHub and #GitLab.

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Nacho :mastodon:

@Codeberg Pretty much everything from @ladigitale is #NotOnGitHub - great educational resources 👍


@Codeberg looking forward to see creation of a search engine for federated git repositories, also consider support for a single identity to access multiple federated repositories, and what about (back) linking git issues to commits on federated repositories… probably needs alignment first on definition of issue, merge request, action, …

Because recently some folks at Codeberg mistake their "Freedom of Speech" for the opportunity to insult other users on our platform:

Codeberg is a place to create content, not to disturb each other. We do not want to see discrimination of any kind.

Please report these cases to via email, or (new!) mention "@moderation" in the Codeberg Issue to quickly notify us of a conversation we should look for.


@Codeberg Yeah, it's funny how people throw around the term "Freedom of Speech" and have no idea what it implies, or think that it is a blanket statement that allows them to say whatever they want.

They need to be reminded that "Freedom of Speech" is there to protect you and to allow you to freely criticise your government/government officials without suffering repercussions from it. Contrary to popular belief, It does not allow a bigot twat to be a hateful c*nt.

🔔 Heads-Up: We're deploying Forgejo 1.18 in a few minutes. We expect no unusual downtime.

aaand we're officially migrated from #Gitea to #Forgejo. Nice!

Thanks to @forgejo, it was a pleasure :)

s/Gitea/Forgejo: Although we need to get used to it, we’re happy that we can support the #Gitea soft-fork #Forgejo by our means.
It will remain independent of for-profit companies and is guaranteed to remain 100% free/libre forever.

Read more on our blog:

Or Visit

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@Codeberg Huh? All this time I thought Codeberg is already a soft-fork of Gitea. What is the difference now between Forgejo and Codeberg?


@Codeberg sed: -e expression #1, char 15: unterminated `s' command 😉 #SCNR

@Codeberg Looking forward to the federation support, which will make self-hosters like myself quite happy.

Are you a #GitHub or #GitLab (EE) user? Did you ever try to put your code on the side of liberty?

We might have an offer for you:

Run by a community-maintained non-profit, and funded by your donations!

Not the place you want to work on? Consider joining our missions by using a like-minded project. Learn about alternatives:

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