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Because recently some folks at Codeberg mistake their "Freedom of Speech" for the opportunity to insult other users on our platform:

Codeberg is a place to create content, not to disturb each other. We do not want to see discrimination of any kind.

Please report these cases to via email, or (new!) mention "@moderation" in the Codeberg Issue to quickly notify us of a conversation we should look for.


@Codeberg Yeah, it's funny how people throw around the term "Freedom of Speech" and have no idea what it implies, or think that it is a blanket statement that allows them to say whatever they want.

They need to be reminded that "Freedom of Speech" is there to protect you and to allow you to freely criticise your government/government officials without suffering repercussions from it. Contrary to popular belief, It does not allow a bigot twat to be a hateful c*nt.

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