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If you're switching to Firefox this week, I collected a list of the team's favourite hidden features back when I worked there:

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Deborah Pickett

LB šŸ‘† also if you've been using Firefox for more than 15 years like me.


@mhoye ā€œHolding down Alt while selecting text allows you to select text within a link without triggering the linkā€ I really donā€™t want to know how long this has been a feature and how much time Iā€™ve wasted trying to copy link text manually.


I momentarily though that the biggest reason video tutorials are going outcompete text for at least the next few years is that it's currently much more difficult for AI models to turn video into plausible semantic mulch than text, but then my brain said "oh, that's not a problem, you mulch the transcript text, use a text-to-speech generator and throw in some random screengrabs from existing videos", and I realize that any knowledge without a chain of custody will be drowned out by noise soon.

J Miller


Not sure if you followed the saga of the Peppa Pig videos, but was more or less exactly what you describe--"semantic mulch"--but perhaps even more disturbing:

Moto :rainbowinfinity:

@mhoye Prehistory-2022: Yeah, memetic malware exists, but itā€™s rare enough we mostly mitigate it with virus scanners.

2023-????: If itā€™s not cryptographically signed, itā€™s almost certainly Pink Slimeā„¢ļø brand, mechanically separated Information Product, unsuitable for human consumption.


@mhoye if I was allowed to share the very obviously automatically generated instruction video I have recently been forced to watch at work, then I could give proof that the enterprise world has already been infected by this, but you'll just have to take my word for it.


Well, the Chrome team is back on their bullshit.

The people that wanted to guarantee adblockers didn't work last week are deciding what bookmarks you get to keep this week.

Firefox is good. You should try it. But FFS you all need to stop using Chrome.

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volt4ire šŸŒ¹

@mlc fuck Google, Chrome, and this censorship, but this isn't Chrome bookmarks it's a different product (Google Saved). Still egregious but less so than them censoring one's bookmarks

spv :verified:

@mhoye is it just me or on linux firefox is so much slower than chrome for me


Re-upping this again: I wish more lefties could internalize the idea that hypocrisy is not a meaningful accusation to the right. Of course they're being hypocrites. That you are bound, by rules, standards, logic, human decency, some fundamental moral consistency, anything at all, and they are not? That is their conception of what power is, and why they seek it. So they can exercise power, without constraint, and you cannot.

That's the whole point.

Hypocrisy is the virtue-signaling of fascism.

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I've posted this countless times over several years:

You cannot shame a hypocrite for being a hypocrite, because they don't have a problem with hypocrisy. To them it is just part of the game.


ā€œNever believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutorsā€¦ā€

- Jean-Paul Sartre

ā€œNever believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutorsā€¦ā€


Holy _shit_ this paper, and the insight behind it.

You know how every receiver is also a transmitter, _well_: every text predictor is also text compressor, and vice-versa.

You can outperform massive neural networks running millions of parameters, with a few lines of python and a novel application of _gzip_.

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@mhoye you can outperform a non-pre-trained deep neural network. I donā€™t understand text classification enough to know what the difference is there. ā€Non-pre-trainedā€ sounds like a key factor in that comparison though.


@mhoye This is way beyond my understanding of text classification, but I can vaguely see what they are saying. How did nobody think of that before?


"Thatā€™s right: Two different people independently faked data for two different studies in a paper about dishonesty."


Maybe people worried about Metaā€™s participation in the fediverse are thinking about the time Google killed blogs and RSS, or the time Yahoo killed dmoz and webrings, or the time AOL killed Usenet, or or or or or or or or or or or or.

Amolith :blobcatpopr:
@mhoye I'm worried about Meta slurping up all of our personal information. ActivityPub isn't going anywhere just like all those things you mentioned didn't go anywhere.

Meta joining fedi is going to automatically opt everyone into their data collection and the only way to opt out is for your admin to actively and preemptively defederate from them. I'd rather not allow _Facebook_ to ingest my entire social graph, every public post I've ever made, every favourite, every boost, and every reaction.

And yes, this is already possible, anyone can do it, and people already have done it. There's a slight difference, though, between one asshole in his basement and the largest social media company on the planet.
@mhoye I'm worried about Meta slurping up all of our personal information. ActivityPub isn't going anywhere just like all those things you mentioned didn't go anywhere.

Meta joining fedi is going to automatically opt everyone into their data collection and the only way to opt out is for your admin to actively and preemptively defederate from them. I'd rather not allow _Facebook_ to ingest my entire...

A unix question i periodically ask:

What modern utilities should be a standard part of a modern unixy distro? Why?

I've got jq, pandoc, tldr and a few others on my list, but I'd love to know others; boosts appreciated.


Oh, I should mention a personal favorite I ginned up a long time ago: Per-project shell history.

This gist shows you how to keep a separate history for everything under /src/*


Look, if a core Bitcoin developer can get their whole wallet emptied out unrecoverably on them, and that developer's immediate reflex is to start calling a centralized authority for help, it's time to stop pretending this entire cryptocurrency exercise is ever going to work. We're done here.

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@mhoye It was fun while it lasted.. back in 2009!

@mhoye a great lesson why nobody is safe. And it's not about cryptocurrencies, but about IT security.

OH: ā€œā€¦ when we started working on the data ingest pipeline, we found out heā€™d been keeping all his lab data in PowerPoint.ā€


ā€œYears of it.ā€

ā€œā€¦ I donā€™t even know what you do for a living, it hurt to be standing next to you when you said that.ā€


Keeping your data in:
šŸ˜žā€‹ Excel
šŸ¤Øā€‹ Word
šŸ˜±ā€‹ Powerpoint


Proposal: since we are apparently taking sharks attacks more seriously than COVID now, we should rewrite all those contact tracing apps to play the Jaws theme whenever they get a positive signal.

Suitably ballyhooed

@mhoye jokeā€™s on all of us: lots of ct apps have been shut down since early this year.


Anyway no big deal but here's a demonstration of Mozilla's serverless. client-side-only live text translation technology.


Went outside at midnight to figure out if I was going to have to interrupt a domestic dispute or a cat fight or whatever to get that shrieking to stop so I could sleep. It turned out to be a raccoon that figured out how to get into my compost bin but couldnā€™t get out.

Good morning to everyone except you, you adorable idiot.

Zack Weinberg

@mhoye couple years ago now, a juvenile raccoon climbed on top of our back fence and couldnā€™t figure out how to get back down.

which is to say, I know exactly what that shrieking sounds like


Proposal: a dialect of lisp where all the parentheses are replaced with angle brackets pointing the opposite direction. Functionally identical, and 50x more alarming to see on a screen. Thanks for the idea, @scruss

Josh Justice

@mhoye @scruss This makes me want to make a dialect of a programming language where all the function names are replaced by names that make it sound like youā€™re a hacker in a cyberpunk dystopia breaking into the Gibson

Stewart Russell

@mhoye I used to work (back before XML was a thing) with a markup language that had tags that looked like >this< and you'd end an element with the one you started it with ...

>text<so it kind of looked like >b<this>b<>text<

Pretty much explains what's left of my sanity


This is just... Taking out a loan from your employer? To buy shares from your employer? That's tied to conditions of your employment?

Have you completely forgotten the fourth crack commandment?

Darius Kazemi

@mhoye fucking brainworms. I'm glad it was apparently less than ten people affected. still. god.


I think the distinction is that rather than being one giant sadness machine that none of us can change, a fediverse full of tiny sadness machines each of us can tune in our own ways to make them a little less sad a little bit at a time makes room for optimism, and maybe even hope. It's a place to put the thin edge of the wedge.


Hey, so this is super cool.

Google has been collecting call and messaging data about who you talk to or send text messages to for years. There's no opt-out, no notifcation in their TOS they're doing this, and you can't see the results of that collection in Google Takeout.


I'm helping to organize a new conference about evidence-based software engineering practices:

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