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A unix question i periodically ask:

What modern utilities should be a standard part of a modern unixy distro? Why?

I've got jq, pandoc, tldr and a few others on my list, but I'd love to know others; boosts appreciated.

a spooky jazz dad..

@mhoye I have a rough time with gluplot. I've played with it and I've gotten it to make basic graphs but it always feels like I'm fighting too hard with it. Any good tutorial you'd reccomend?


@michaelcoyote from other comments it looks like the answer is “forget that, use matplotlib”?


@mhoye gnuplot used to be on the standard utility list for me, but IMO matplotlib has gotten to the point that it integrates well enough with other ecosystems and often produces better looking plots.


Oh, I should mention a personal favorite I ginned up a long time ago: Per-project shell history.

This gist shows you how to keep a separate history for everything under /src/*

Travis A. Everett

@mhoye I have been using project-oriented history for a while too, though it's based on named projects instead of directories.

I tend to leave a terminal tab open for most long-term projects, and the history module prods me for a project name when I open a new one. It also restores the right one for a given terminal ID on restore.

If it's an existing project, it'll switch to the directory I was last using for that project. It also has a little per-project init file.

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