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Well, the Chrome team is back on their bullshit.

The people that wanted to guarantee adblockers didn't work last week are deciding what bookmarks you get to keep this week.

Firefox is good. You should try it. But FFS you all need to stop using Chrome.


@mhoye agree! AnyThing than Crome! BRAVE, Firefox, TOR FTW!


@mhoye it...used to be good? Havent used for a while - what up?


@Kjaerulv Their business model is crypto and their creator has paid money in an effort to strip LGBTQ people of basic human rights.


@mhoye crypto thing i saw - but they didnt demand it - it was an offer - (and a stupid idea)....last is BAD, didnt know....

@Kjaerulv @mhoye these crypto things always start as offers and proceed to being mandatory. Actually the whole economy is proceeding to mandatorily taking your money - as you probably already noticed. That's the effect of interest rates.
✦ 𝚜 πš‘ 𝚎 πš™ 𝚐 𝚘 ✦

@mhoye Or use a Chromium browser that rips out all the Google tracking garbage but lets you use the amazing ecosystem of Chrome plugins.

Been using Brave for years.

Joe Ortiz

@shepgo @mhoye Just letting you know the creator is anti-LGBTQ+ and the browser's business model is crypto.

I use Vivaldi and LibreWolf for the most part at least they're more ethical.

✦ 𝚜 πš‘ 𝚎 πš™ 𝚐 𝚘 ✦

@joeo10 @mhoye The browser has an optional business model that I’ve happily ignored for years.

The anti-LGBTQ+ complaint is basically because Brendan Eich is against same-sex marriage. Too bad for him. He donated $1,000 in 2008 to support a failed gay marriage ballot initiative.

2008. 15 years ago. Anything since?

That by itself doesn’t dissuade me from using a browser.



thank you for informing me that LGBT hate is something that you can get behind

block list

@joeo10 @mhoye


@shepgo @mhoye what plugins in chrome are not available on FF? The ecosystem on the other side is just as good, if not even better.

✦ 𝚜 πš‘ 𝚎 πš™ 𝚐 𝚘 ✦

@garshol @mhoye

I use both Chrome and Firefox and there are demonstrably far more Chrome plugins, and when comparing similar ones most I’ve found are better in Chrome.

Firefox realizes so many devs aren’t making plugins for them that they switched to WebExtensions model so some compatible extensions can be imported.

Jamie I have mostly switched to Chromium on desktop myself. Appreciate that it has Chromecast support.

Peter Bindels

@mhoye Wonder if this is Google looking at DSA and hoping to weaponize users against it by doing this.


@mhoye the number of people who pile in to the comments on reports like this to recommend Brave and then wave away the obvious criticisms is always dismaying... like, y'all can clearly see how bad the web would be if Brave somehow became dominant, right? feels a bit like watching people flock to bsky.

@jplebreton @mhoye It's paid advertising. The more people use Brave, the more each Brave user gets paid, or something like that. The same reason people shill Bitcoin etc.

@mhoye I don't use Chrome anymore but I know my bookmarks were E2E encrypted, I guess that setting is not default?


@mhoye I if I do that can I send all my bookmarks and passwords (none of them are for banks or any other website that has my credit card info) to Firefox?


@CosmicTrigger Yeah, importing bookmarks/history from other browsers is something Firefox asks permission to do for you during install. It's painless.


@mhoye One huge problem:

All my YouTube stuff will be deleted including all the videos I uploaded.

For now I am going to erase every single password, bookmark, fill-in data, etc and keep Chrome for JUST youtube until I find a workaround because I don't have a lot of those original video files anymore


@CosmicTrigger I don't think there's a direct connection between "not using chrome" and "videos stored on youtube get deleted" - you can move account passwords to other browsers, but I can understand why you'd be worried.


@mhoye I erased all my personal info. That's really all that matters, except from what I am reading Google Chrome stores that shit forever

But after that darling of gay and Asian white supremacists everywhere, Andy Gno, doxxed me in an article and literally tried to have me killed, I should have ditched Chrome a long time ago.

For YEARS I used Firefox and have no idea why I switched

Bruce Mirken

@mhoye Thanks for reminding me why I've never used #Chromem


@mhoye my only use for chrome is when I wanto to cast my desktop to a chromecast device.

Maddad β˜‘οΈ


And I have found Brave Browser to be way ahead of everything else when it comes to privacy. Check it out πŸ‘


@maddad the brave browser is some cryptobro bullshit, unfortunately.

Maddad β˜‘οΈ


Yes, I just disabled all the crypto and it seems fine. its shields system is most excellent for blocking ads and trackers.

Maddad β˜‘οΈ


I thought that Firefox was way to friendly with google. What other web browser do you use?
I have been playing with ungoogled chromium lately too.


@maddad I use Firefox with DDG search and ublock origin.

Maddad β˜‘οΈ


All the crypto can be disabled in Brave, I can send u a link if you like,
The Brave shields are an excellent defence and use the same content filters as ublock.
I use the no-script so that I can individually control scripts on some websites as needed.
Using DDG, Meta Ger, and Brave search for search engines.
I use Linux Mint and I haven't seen an ad in years lol.


@maddad I also fundamentally & personally distrust the creators of Brave and want nothing to do with them. So, thank you for the offer but I’ll pass.


@mhoye #Vivaldi is a great browser. And they have a mastodon instance… which I am posting this from!

Luna Lactea

@mhoye Is there a tool to export all of my current Chrome bookmarks & folders & import them into Firefox?


@jackemled yeah, it’s a one click option in Firefox.


@mhoye @cphon

Not only do Google seem desparate now, they don’t even provide anywhere near the value to end users as they did as recently as 1-2 yrs ago. It’s like some mad man majority stockholder joined the board and wants to bleed the stone.

David Cohen

@mhoye Coming next - search ads for other torrent sites you might enjoy.

Paul Gill Rider

@mhoye @GuyNamedBrian I switched to DuckDuckGo web browser about a year ago and have never looked back.

Tobias Unfortunately, most web applications are optimized for Chrome and there are often errors in Firefox. Chrome is faster for me. However, I use Firefox everywhere where the Chrome engine does not bring significant advantages.


@aidasb @ThePlant oh, sure. The fact that it’s a folder with bookmarks in it, not just a list of bookmarks, that makes it totally different and therefore ok.


@mhoye @aidasb πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ they’re completely different features pal


@ThePlant @aidasb Tell yourself whatever it takes to sleep at night. I'm sure those trillion dollar corporations appreciate your compliance and support.


@mhoye @aidasb you sound like you’re fun at parties, muted

volt4ire 🌹

@mlc fuck Google, Chrome, and this censorship, but this isn't Chrome bookmarks it's a different product (Google Saved). Still egregious but less so than them censoring one's bookmarks

Steven Barnhart

@volt4ire @mhoye @mlc I think they know and just enjoyed hiding it for their agenda.

spv :verified:

@mhoye is it just me or on linux firefox is so much slower than chrome for me

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