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Look, if a core Bitcoin developer can get their whole wallet emptied out unrecoverably on them, and that developer's immediate reflex is to start calling a centralized authority for help, it's time to stop pretending this entire cryptocurrency exercise is ever going to work. We're done here.


Is this comment really here? Mastodon is giving me weird messages? Perhaps because you're on a different server?

On the topic of your comment, I've always regarded #BitCoin as an obvious scam. No scarcity there. There's an infinite supply of numbers and an infinite supply of algorithms to pretend that some of the numbers are special and more interesting than others.

Or do I need to repeat the proof that there's no such thing as an uninteresting number?

Is this comment really here? Mastodon is giving me weird messages? Perhaps because you're on a different server?

On the topic of your comment, I've always regarded #BitCoin as an obvious scam. No scarcity there. There's an infinite supply of numbers and an infinite supply of algorithms to pretend that some of the numbers are special and more interesting than others.

What flavor is that

@shanen @mhoye
If I may give you advice... I suggest reading the 9 page whitepaper first before posting something about #bitcoin.


@davidgerard On the very unlikely chance you don't already have 3000 lols written for this...

Luna Leon

@mhoye Well, I guess it's true that crypto isn't always reliable, but don't despair yet! If you want something you can count on, you can always count on me ;) #AllKneelBeforeCrypto


@mhoye yeah, he should have asked DABI* for help.

* - decentralized autonomous bureau of investigation


@kuba_ “according to our investigation, the software was working as intended, and the real crime here was the negligence of the so-called victim of these transactions, who clearly needed to git gud and didn’t.”

KBLeecaster ✅

@be @mhoye
Plus, his handle has BitCoin hacker in it so it's really, really hard to be sympathetic to his plight


@mhoye It was fun while it lasted.. back in 2009!

@mhoye a great lesson why nobody is safe. And it's not about cryptocurrencies, but about IT security.
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