Updated editor statistics at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Editor_usage_stats#Tables_and_figures All editors continue to gain users, except for iD and Maps.Me. There is also a weird drop in bot activity this year. @zverik with Maps.me it is clear what happened. But the activity of iD and bots seems to be at the level of measurement error and expectations. https://piebro.github.io/openstreetmap-statistics/#c229 Anybody knows how to unpack @protomaps PMTiles into a set of mvt files in directories? Didn't research pmtiles support in @maplibre native and now want to have raw files extracted rather then re-generated. @zverik @maplibre in the python pmtiles package there is a pmtiles-convert command: https://github.com/protomaps/PMTiles/blob/main/python/bin/pmtiles-convert#L49 however I would use one of the ZXY proxies if possible to make it maplibre native compatible just played this new Downpour and it improved my day. why not see if it'll improve yours? YOU ARE A ROTUND HAMSTER by Petra Szemán love posting stuff like this and it's like... unless you happen to know Petra you would not know that she is an actually very accomplished artist and i've seen her work at, like, shows at the Whitechapel and stuff. that's Downpour! @v i'm so sad I have a child and no time for games. but then I never managed to finish a Hunter run Why mapping Points of Interest in #OpenStreetMap is hard: The map shows shops, businesses, and some other amenities mapped on one street and square (Calle / Plaza de la Victoria) in Malaga. I compared March 2020 with the current data, which I have been surveying and updating recently. Only the pale blue dots have the same name and type of business at both dates. Even in this group there are quite a few changes to secondary tags (notably, dead websites). /CTD Red circles are POIs that have disappeared completely. Green circles have been added since 2020. This slightly exaggerates the rate of change as some of these were simply missing in 2020 data (especially some non-shop-like amenities like social/religious centres). But many are genuinely business opened since 2020. Orange circles are changes in the type of POI (e.g. a clothes shop replaced by a hairdresser). Yellow are name changes, sometimes just typo fixes but usually a change of owner. /CTD New free OSM vector-tile server with a minimalist tech stack: https://openfreemap.org/ #openfreemap #openstreetmap So given I've spent some time on @everydoor yesterday, I decided to also experiment with the ChatGPT tags suggestion API by @ian (https://image-to-osm.vercel.app/). A bit slow, but feels like magic. This will not go into production, of course. You can download an Android apk from https://github.com/Zverik/every_door/actions/runs/11012358490 (you need to be logged in to github). @everydoor @ian wouldn't old good machine learning alghoritms be enough for this limited dataset? @everydoor that's super cool! It should be a bit faster if you can scale the image down to 1024px before uploading. @everydoor that is super helpfull for opening time signs as well, but it would be cool if a photo could also used to add tags to an existing point. I think you should also allow to enter an own openAI API key so the burden to decide about environment impacts is more on the user side. Today, version 5.2 was released! Nothing big, mainly preset and imagery updates: https://github.com/Zverik/every_door/releases/tag/v5.2 Google Play and Github are up, F-Droid to follow in a couple days, AppStore this week. One of the most important lessons in volunteer-driven development is that motivation isn’t commutable. If a contributor hadn’t worked on thing Y, that doesn’t automatically mean that they would have dedicated their time to thing Z instead. @bragefuglseth This is one of the most annoying things I see in discussions about forks or alternative software, as an example if COSMIC didn't exist then those developers could spend there time contributing to GNOME or KDE, but that's not how this has ever worked. It seems like some people want to treat the whole FOSS world as one company where if you didn't work on one thing then you'd be shifted over to the team working on this other thing.
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An interesting feature of the OSM community is that different local communities communicate on completely different platforms. I recently deleted abandoned communication channels from the osm-community-index and it turned out that the Russian community lives on Telegram and on the forum and... nowhere else :/ This is good and bad, but the fact that some memes remain only in Telegram is upsetting. #PyOsmium v4 just got released! 🎉 Wow so many goodies in this one!! 🤩 https://github.com/osmcode/pyosmium/releases/tag/v4.0.0 It's the defacto industry standard for working with #OpenStreetMap e.g. .osm.pbf files efficiently and effectively! 🤓 Another question to be answered: What is the way (with more than 100 nodes) with the highest density of nodes? it's https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/520625458 with an average of 1 node every 8.8mm (yes, millimeters)! The 95cm long way has 109 nodes! This one's probably more dubious given the projection used, the top 1000 were all between 0.88 and 7.2cm/node Edited this because i confused it with https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/847593122 which also has 8.8mm/node lol You've got to be kidding me 🤦🤦🤦 JUST BUILD TRAINS FOR GOODNESS’ SAKE. HYPERLOOP IS IMPOSSIBLE.
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But it can be said that hyperloop is a type of high-speed train. At speeds beyond around 400 km/h the air starts being a serious problem so it makes sense to put the train into a tunnel with lower air pressure if you want it to go faster. The practicality of that is questionable though, yes. Omg thank you @arnalielsewhere , this was a spectacular run! Everyone, follow her for more music, fashion, and events :) Welcoming @foxy, who's been very helpful in the Russian community, and made a few useful tools in the past years!
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@mariatta that is really complicated. I am on the GIMP project, participating sometimes less, sometimes more, and we've been on this loop for the last 30 years. @mariatta if I had a nickel every time I had to tell someone "That takes commitment and time and we're all volunteers" I'd have enough money to fund every volunteer run organization that needs it. This is glorious.The best time to burn a bridge is when you never, ever want to cross it again. #genai (Edit: This is a notice explaining why somebody is shutting down a long-running project to measure word frequencies.) https://github.com/rspeer/wordfreq/blob/master/SUNSET.md
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@williampietri That was a great, but honestly heartbreaking, read. |