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Jon Worth

@jmaris this was a sop to the FDP. Thankfully non legislative

Nemo_bis ๐ŸŒˆ

@jmaris Who plants those brainworms into vdL? Can someone take away her WhatsApp chats with industry magnates please?


@nemobis @jmaris she does more thant text them, I'm pretty sure

Konstantin Macher

VdL really has a liking for wasting EU resources on bs tech promises, when the money would so be needed for tech that would actually work.
Also thinking of the #Thorn subsidy programme #ChatControl here.

Like, if trains don't sound politically appealing enough, take a fraction of the money that would be wasted on #hyperloop and use it for a PR campaign about how great investments into trains and railways would be and invest the rest to make it work. Would still be so much more helpful.

Gurre Vildskรคgg

This must be intentional sabotage of railways.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@Gurre Never mistake for malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence, my friend.

Joakim Fors

@jmaris @Gurre Well, Elon has admitted that Hyperloop was introduced to sabotage the HSR plans in California.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@joakimfors @Gurre It's less of a thing in Europe because we already have working High Speed Rail

Joakim Fors

@jmaris @Gurre Sure, but the hyperloop "meme" is out there now and used as a distraction by any and all that want to prevent more actual rail from being built.

Gurre Vildskรคgg

@jmaris @joakimfors
And while many of the hyperloop companies might be various scams to siphon money from investors, the various government bodies investing in them are probably just really bad at seeing a hype bubble for being just hype without substance.


@Gurre @jmaris @joakimfors ๐Ÿ’ฏ I don't know if she's hired outside of the German bubble in her cabinet (which has landed her in trouble in the past), but there's bound to be some toxic FDP bro if not in the team at least vdL-team adjacent who's not very up-to-date on the topic and thought it would sound really hip and with it in a policy document. And others who know it's bs, but eh, it's non-legislative as Jon points out, so let them have it, they'll forget all about by the holidays anyway.


@jmaris @joakimfors @Gurre Right, and the fact that people are still seriously talking about this stuff after Musk publicly admitted that is why this seems like malice rather than incompetence.


@jmaris @joakimfors @Gurre
But its not working nearly as well as it could. The EUs plan to improve high speed rail needs investment. And that is a threat to automakers and airlines.

John Rohde Jensen

@jmaris @joakimfors @Gurre I tried TGV last week, it were slow, crowded and generally underwhelming.
Europe does a fine job sabotaging its own HSR.

Joakim Fors

@jmaris @johnrohde @Gurre Perhaps it was one of these:

Bit crowded if more than one person and looks kinda slow


@jmaris yes, and the maintenance and improvement of that network is a much better use of funds than this pipe dream. Techbros stop trying to reinvent trains but worse challenge 2024.
@joakimfors @Gurre

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@c0dec0dec0de @joakimfors @Gurre You're not wrong! Calling Hyperloop a pipe dream is my new favourite idea. Nice pun!

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@joakimfors I'm aware, but I am not convinced that Musk is responsible for this in Europe. Also there are very few organisations in Europe that would profit from this


@jmaris @joakimfors

Billionaire malignancy is transnational. They fund neoliberalism and extremism in Europe. See UK riots etc.


@jmaris @Gurre

In this case it is both. Musk pimped hyperloop to derail (high speed rail) in the US. Here you get both in one package.


@jmaris If SwissMetro couldn't make work in Switzerland where they have a) infinite money and b) actual obstacles that makes normal rail hyperexpensive too, why would it work elsewhere?


@jmaris Gah, stop trying to make pods happen! They're never going to happen!

These glossy graphics somehow never include passengers with luggage, children, dogs, bikes etc.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@HarbingerOfSalem As I said, never mistake for malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.



I am entirely sure the bribe was incompotently received and will be exposed as incompotently spent

I understand what you are saying, and I still put my chips down on Bribe.

Jonathan T

@HarbingerOfSalem @jmaris Never mistake for incompetence that which can be explained by greed.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@JonnyT @HarbingerOfSalem Believe me, I've worked in politics, and you severely underestimate the role of incompetence.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@HarbingerOfSalem I can understand your scepticism, but having worked in Politics, and in particular European politics, I've seen time and time again how Politicians can become absolutely obsessed with some technology, from Blockchain to Metaverse to AI, and yes, Hyperloop, even though it is not commercially and sometimes even technically viable.

Really, don't underestimate the role of incompetence.


@jmaris @HarbingerOfSalem When it comes to politicians on the right, always assume malice, because it usually is. We will see which fossil fuel company board of directors she joins later.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@snakespeare @HarbingerOfSalem

In this case, I think you are wrong, I've already said this in replies to other comments, but this doesn't look like bribery or corruption to me, it looks more like an incompetent politician who is pushing for a technology they don't understand after they saw a presentation promising them amazing results.


@jmaris Honestly cannot believe the lasting power this hyperloop grift has had

I remember first encountering it in like 2007 and thinking "How silly, that would never work safely and I doubt it would even be that efficient."

I thought I would never hear about it again!



The VFM of hyperloop is low as it involves high costs to move relatively few people. With few exceptions maglev and hover train and the like have always run into this obstacle. There is a real problem of increasing capacity in public transport systems within constraints, but this is not the solution. Concorde filled a niche but the 747 liberated air travel. This is the same. A glamorous solution that benefits the few, but doesnโ€™t fill the needs of the many.


@jmaris @serendip1959

upon reading the article it looks to me like someone (this van de Pas guy?) convinced her that this is a feasible (and relatively quickly deployable) replacement for private jets that would allow their users to switch w/out a loss of convenience.

not sure that would actually work, and almost certainly would siphon off funds for hsr

(this is purely conjecture and all the caveats)


@serendip1959 @jmaris But if you intend to use Hyperloop to reduce plane journeys, then you're comparing VFM of hyperloop with VFM of a plane not trains.



"the system is said to be more energy efficient than trains"


what a giant money sink

Kera Vortiwife

@jmaris Starting to think that the Monorail episode from the Simpsons never reached its intended audience

Mario Restuccia

@jmaris hyperloop. Hydrogen trains. Flying taxis. AI. Metaverse. Digital twins. Chat control. Algorithmic surveillance.

Policymakers keep falling in the trap of tech solutionism, hoping that something more complex can solve old issues, whereas we just need solid infrastructure.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@mario 100% agreed. This has been something I spent half a mandate trying to explain to MEPs when I worked in Parliament. Unfortunately it is too often to no avail.

Nemo_bis ๐ŸŒˆ

@jmaris In part it's a logical consequence of the decision-making structure of the #EU. Many societal problems need to be addressed with tools which are traditionally placed at the state level, and which the EU is precluded from using. So it becomes easier to outsource some hypothetical solution to the private sector and call it subsidiarity.

See e.g. the madness of looking for #copyright fixes for issues which scream for EU-level income/wealth taxes, just because taxes need unanimity.


sarah ๐Ÿฆฆ

@jmaris even if not impossible, it's just shit


@jmaris Cash Rules Everything Around me. Iโ€™m sure many, many members of government throughout Europe, and in the EU Parliament, are being bribed by muskrat.

He gets away with murder in Germany. The German government needs the taxes and jobs from Tesla so bad that they are willing to ignore their own laws when he breaks them.


@mhalligan @jmaris lol, I'm kind of hoping he spends billions on the Parliament so we can do the meme again.

Old "when you gave the bags of cash to the wrong institution " Qatargate meme of Qatari dude asking: HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT THE COUNCIL??
Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@mhalligan Musk isn't bribing anyone in EU politics, trust me on that.

I think everyone here dramatically overestimates the competence of some politicians, who see a shiny project and push for it with no understanding of the actual technology and its flaws/limitations.


@jmaris hmm. I guess I have less faith than you in poorly paid officials who are very accessible to billionaires.


@jmaris did you watch them 24 hours a day and monitor their accounts?

Politicians are easily bribed. Look at Gethard Schroder. Sold out Europe to Russia, Went on to be part of Nordstrom and Gaz prom.


@mhalligan @jmaris And now look at Angela Merkel. Same results, 2Nord2Stream, and unless she's blowing it all on online gambling inside her modest Berlin flat...
They really don't need any financial incentive to be this dumb.
(Even though the EPP will EPP, top to bottom, yesAllEPP, sorry Donald, this is just too niche and too small-fry for bags of money and too similar to everything we know about conservative-ish boomers and shiny techy things, imo.)

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@mhalligan I didn't, but I do have much more insight into how these people think than the layperson, and EU procedures are deliberately too cumbersome and bureaucratic for corruption to go unnoticed for long.

We saw it with Yvla Johannsen, we saw it with Eva Kaili.


@jmaris It probably depends on the country of origin? Hungary, for example, I expect every politician to be bribable, including their EU representatives.



i'm sure it will be fine and there will be no mishaps


hard no

Bart Louwers

@jmaris @zverik

Impossible you say?

"The Hardt Hyperloop vehicle completed its first successful test during the industry event, travelling 90 metres in the 420-metre EHC tube, an open test facility in Veendam, the Netherlands."

Sounds like the #Hyperloop will be perfect for trips under 100 meters.

Ilya Zverev

@bart @jmaris

This so reminds me of the "Yunitsky string transport" back in the day (which is hard to google because it's still an ongoing scam).


Funniest thing about this image it that they made the same error that the design 100 years ago and the first design of the hyperloop have in common:

(turbines are stupid in an environment without any air to move)

And i suggest watching some YT videos of @thunderf00t who started to explain why the system is dumb before the Xcident


Laugh at them for being duped. Encourage others to do the same.
Politicians enjoy being regarded as "bold", "imaginative", "decisive" - laughed at, not so much.


@jmaris this is a call for Adam Something.

OMG a commissioner caught up in the grift years after hyper-loop is a dead fish. Itโ€™s meant to suck the life out of trains and HSR



The fact that it doesn't exist doesn't deter this guy.


@jmaris There has been a clear shift in priorities to align with oligarchs in recent months.

Someone ought to look into how that happened, and who was involved.

Jordan Maris ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ #NAFO

@androcat There was an election, the right won more seats. The result is a more "business-friendly" Commission.



This has nothing to do with actual transport policies, it serves only one purpose:

Funnel money to some of von der Leyen's friends.

This is, what she did as a federal minister, and will continue doing, as long as she holds any power.

Rpsu (326 ppm)

@jmaris The concept of hyperloop is a smokescreen to distract governments and kill the railroad and tram projects.

It is a tactic not a working tech.

Lennart Hengstmengel


"Other key unproven aspects include the capsulesโ€™ ability to switch lanes and turn corners. These have not been tested at all."

Who needs corners and lane switching? We'll just connect every destination with every other destination in straight lines!

Foppe de Haan

@jmaris they don't want to build trains, which is why they are "investigating" this.


@jmaris @spacehobo Are they anti-transit I wonder? Because Hyperloop is sometimes a way of funneling transit money into vapourware so it doesnโ€™t go to building actual transit.



I don't think it's strictly-speaking impossible, but it would be an enormous expenditure of effort with no particular expectation of getting anything particularly useful in return.

ะ“ั€ะธะณะพั€ะธะน ะšะปัŽัˆะฝะธะบะพะฒ


But it can be said that hyperloop is a type of high-speed train. At speeds beyond around 400 km/h the air starts being a serious problem so it makes sense to put the train into a tunnel with lower air pressure if you want it to go faster. The practicality of that is questionable though, yes.


@jmaris wellโ€ฆ likely not impossible but expense as ****, hmm?

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