Why mapping Points of Interest in #OpenStreetMap is hard:
The map shows shops, businesses, and some other amenities mapped on one street and square (Calle / Plaza de la Victoria) in Malaga.
I compared March 2020 with the current data, which I have been surveying and updating recently.
Only the pale blue dots have the same name and type of business at both dates. Even in this group there are quite a few changes to secondary tags (notably, dead websites).
Red circles are POIs that have disappeared completely.
Green circles have been added since 2020. This slightly exaggerates the rate of change as some of these were simply missing in 2020 data (especially some non-shop-like amenities like social/religious centres). But many are genuinely business opened since 2020.
Orange circles are changes in the type of POI (e.g. a clothes shop replaced by a hairdresser). Yellow are name changes, sometimes just typo fixes but usually a change of owner.