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101 posts total

Your geodata, somewhat modified with QGIS, then uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, etc, and later made it into OpenStreetMap... is suspicious. There's no way the original source allows any kind reproduction without permission - if it's not the case, then I'd like to see your proof that you have explicit permission doing so. I mean, if you got it from some website - still doesn't really cut it.


Bing Maps now incorporate data from Grab...


Just realised this bit when I had to view TomTom's 360 street level panorama courtesy of Bing StreetSide - on a separate browser window. iD editor's Bing Streetside panel was too small for my liking.

거윈 🍉

@AkuAnakTimur Why do you think they're calling it "Grab Taxi"? I remember them marketing their commercial geodata as GrabMap.


Google Open Building hates circular buildings apparently


One of the place data from Overture Map dataset: "my room, my place to catch some z's"


US' TIGER data is apparently published by the US Census Bureau (with a ® too).


I knew I was falling so behind - the Department of Statistics Malaysia apparently has an official dataset of administrative boundaries... maybe time to write something asking them if it's okay to use these precious data to improve OSM (their website says all published data in their repo is open source - licensing is holy moly legalese beast)


"Beach resorts in the middle of nowhere consisting of tight neighbourhood of housing estates, according to Overture Maps Foundation data"

*surprised Pikachu face*


Mapbox showcased their map product with the Papyrus font. Yes. Papyrus font.


The only group of people apparently that have access to Maxar's imagery is likely the Apple Data Team (by any other word, people at Kaart, getting contracted by Apple - my word) - probably Apple paid for the freshest imagery (maybe Kaart has led the way). They're using Maxar's SecureWatch.

(Thanks, both? Yeah!)


Apple: satellite data
Maxar: ok
Apple: money?
Maxar: yes
Apple: there


Yikes... there's good data but the bad data (shuttered businesses, misplaced points, dupes) is probably in magnitudes greater than that of good stuff


Google Maps is actually adverts placed on a map. Sooooo... Bob's your uncle!


Some entities paid for it, but some or more of them are crowd-serfed ... uhm ... *cough* contributed through crowdsourcing. Without exchange of labour! For the greater good! Making Alphabet money from thin air!


Also, what's up with "paying Apple for map services"? Yes, one could (see DuckDuckGo) but some news outlets and/or reporters conveniently left out Esri (duh, they're like, getting monies straight from government contracts), and probably Bing (to an extent).


Initially it's the Daylight Map Distribution (of Meta). We'll have to see its evolution with time...


MapmyIndia's Mappls (map please? IDK) apparently uses OpenStreetMap to display stuff outside their home country (India) - but without attribution 😣

Their slippy map unsurprisingly renders residential landuses (looking at you Mapbox) though...


Place/street names in other languages

I do remember once that OSM mappers don't have to really translate name of everything in other languages per this wiki

At least up until this moment, it's not something desirable due to ground truth (probably impossible to verify in real life).

I'm still not doing that, unless there's an explicit sign displaying such. For example, a popular street in London, UK - Oxford Street has only street name in English.

Place/street names in other languages

I do remember once that OSM mappers don't have to really translate name of everything in other languages per this wiki

At least up until this moment, it's not something desirable due to ground truth (probably impossible to verify in real life).


Gerrard Street, however, has a Chinese name because it's on a sign put up by the local council (London's Chinatown)

There's a Japanese translation though - is it necessary? I don't think so.

(Thoughts are welcome)


Map what you actually like is the best method to avoid mapping burnouts


Ah well...

so long and probably thanks for all the fish?

At least there's Esri, Bing, Mapbox, etc (don't forget municipals with progressive data sharing policies with respect to OpenStreetMap)

DigitalGlobe/Maxar (2016-2023)


Oh. 10 years of contributing towards OpenStreetMap and almost 5 years on this instance...

거윈 🍉


Thank you for your awesome edits! 🥳 I hope you're still having fun.

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