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101 posts total

Yeah, Bing StreetSide issues on the iD editor. I'm not the only one...


Hmmmm.... I think I should try opening the iD editor, enabling Bing StreetSide overlay, with my gigabit workplace internet and see it for myself... I thought switching providers for a while did the trick (it did once or twice today) but the problem persisted...


Yeah, that CARTO map (based on OpenStreetMap) has zero credit...

Google Fonts got at least a mention though...

Eugene Alvin Villar

@AkuAnakTimur I used their feedback form to report the missing attribution as an issue.


Gahhhhh seriously Bing StreetSide probably has issues with Firefox on Linux distros. I mean, it took a while to load their donated resources even in the iD editor...

거윈 🍉

I use Firefox on Linux, but hasn't noticed anything unusual with Bing Streetside.

Has it gotten better for you since this post?

The fastest platform for me is @panoramax , but I need to provide my own photos. 🤣


*made some changes in terms of the name of THE USA*

*large bounding box*


*wrote some changeset discussion - sorry for a huge bounding box*



Hiya... happy new year's eve!

Going to ask a very Manila-centric question - here we go.

Why in OSM, the EDSA is mapped as it is (name=EDSA), but not the actual full name? Is it because the signs say so, or people just got too used with EDSA?

거윈 🍉


Happy new year! 🎉

Well, we have quite a number of streets like that -- a mouthful to pronounce, so our convention is to use `name` for the common name (what most people use to refer to it), and add the official name to, well, `official_name`.

I don't think it makes any sense to use the official/"proper" when people don't use it.


I just used the Query feature on the website (

Wonder why some places in Singapore, has Nearby Features using the Malay language - name:ms (instead of English, because the name tag has values in English) - is this intended?

See attached screencap.

Eugene Alvin Villar

@AkuAnakTimur what is the Accept-Language HTTP header that your browser is sending?


Yaayyyyyyyy!!! Almost excited that I'm reaching the final miles of ~4GB worth of map data that I collected on a specific trip from last(!) year


Today I saw a Grab's KartaView vehicle in my local city!


😢 Preaching to the choir but apparently it's true that some opportunists scrape Maxar's key for OSM editors, for their own selfish purpose. Yeah, Maxar is not a charity anyway, their core business is indeed remote sensing.


But then again OSM's data is not mainly tracing from imageries. Thanks to many creative (and thoughtful) OSM-linked developers, at least there's apps for collecting map data. Probably without satellite background layers.


What is the "sandbox" OpenStreetMap instance? Someone is doing (unfortunately) some test edits, and I want to point the map editor over there instead.

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

@AkuAnakTimur i don't think there is one. Osmf can only afford to host the real instance. Let alone a test instance

거윈 🍉

@AkuAnakTimur There's the dev sandbox, where one can request for an account and play with the data, usually for software development, but with a dev account, you can configure (certain) editors to point to as server.


I forgot to take a picture of a Here Maps car which sat under a tree opposite to my workplace...

거윈 🍉

@AkuAnakTimur They're waiting for a certain #OpenStreetMap|per who works in a building across the street. 😆


And today the keyboard finally gave up after 5 years in use (and once or twice, getting infested by ants). Probably a break from mapping as well, because I rely a lot on JOSM and certain keystrokes to speed up things. Oh well.


Today is the day StreetSide on Bing Maps decided to respond to the tapping of arrow keys...


Microsoft Bing StreetSide is not co-operating well... and a thunderstorm is brewing outside. Later! 😭


Ah perfect. Saw toots mentioning Bing StreetSide. I'm here just to complain about it, because suddenly it had some trouble loading even in the iD editor.

Microsoft, gee... reusing the same keystroke (Shift + Comma) to invoke its StreetSide layout (it's also is used to call upon Mapillary street level imagery plugin) in JOSM. Pure genius moment.


Double decker buses are great to gather mapping data. Just make sure you managed to grab the front seat on the upper deck, wish that the bus driver travels at a slow pace, gather all the data you think you want (and somehow piqued the next seat passenger about your slight eccentricity) et voila!

It's been a year plus, and I'm still mapping that map data...


And yeah, while fixing Meta's machine learning data along the way too. That's from 3+ years ago. At least Apple Data Team isn't making it worse over this part of the world. Fun.



For sure, the view from the top would be great. Are you capturing, am imagery, too?

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

@AkuAnakTimur I have a StreetComplete preset for the sort of quests you can do while looking out a car/bus


"Let's name our restaurant Thai Food Near Me, like, you know, mentioned in Google Maps"

"Huh, our place went viral on Reddit and (what was) Twitter"


Oh dear! Some honest new mappers may not realise it's not 100% OK to take whatever made available from the Big Gee (of Alphabet)... probably the iD editor should display something noticable enough to actually advice some kind of this new mappers? I don't use iD much, some warnings may show up during saving map changes... some dialogue boxes could actually remind them, maybe?


That would explain why a certain housing estate had unnamed streets but now, it's hardly to see which is still unnamed...

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