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69 posts total
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
>someone says they effectively deradicalized away from fascism
>fedi blocks them and freaks out bc theyre not a full leftist after
This network doesn't have a single leftist bone, not even remotely, if your goal isn't to help undo fascist grooming
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
being a fujoshit is better than being a gay man, honestly

you get to enjoy the sights but don't actually have to date men
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
I feel like fedi growing huge is a good thing for fedi's culture

We need to embrace having all kinds of different internet cultures on here. For a while fedi has been so small that a small few select people were fedi's moral police for some reason, and when those few individuals and instances were shitty themselves or misused that position against leftists, trans people, and POC, they never really saw accountability.

While this won't give them that accountability, they at least are going to be drowned out and their social power will mean less and less with each wave of new users.

It's funny, like the cure for twitter tankie authoritarian culture tainting this space was just a bunch more twitter users coming here
I feel like fedi growing huge is a good thing for fedi's culture

We need to embrace having all kinds of different internet cultures on here. For a while fedi has been so small that a small few select people were fedi's moral police for some reason, and when those few individuals and instances were shitty themselves or misused that position against leftists, trans people, and POC, they never really...
@eris mastodon is working on distributed shared blocklists
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
the only acceptable crossposting is fedi -> twitter

make twitter have to deal with ghost posts from another site
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
saw a Twitter post of a reddit post of a fedi post, so I'm bringing it full circle back to fedi
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
Hot take but part of reclaiming slurs is not being upset by them

If someone calls you tranny, faggot, troon, or dyke don't be like "omg how dare you" because that's giving them that power over you.

Make it uncool to them by being like "yeah I am and this hot troon fucked your mom last night"
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
From what I can tell this person is who started the drama and prompted Monads and pals to block too

The issue was that it was a joke about "non content", I'll post that if I can find it
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
You can fediblock me but you can't fediblock the shadow beings in your peripheral
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