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e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
I feel like fedi growing huge is a good thing for fedi's culture

We need to embrace having all kinds of different internet cultures on here. For a while fedi has been so small that a small few select people were fedi's moral police for some reason, and when those few individuals and instances were shitty themselves or misused that position against leftists, trans people, and POC, they never really saw accountability.

While this won't give them that accountability, they at least are going to be drowned out and their social power will mean less and less with each wave of new users.

It's funny, like the cure for twitter tankie authoritarian culture tainting this space was just a bunch more twitter users coming here
@eris mastodon is working on distributed shared blocklists
Can't wait for this place to become just like Shitter. We don't want them here.
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
@thirteenthstep @Moon is outpoast different? I always assumed it was an off shoot of it
grugocleary :glfdinergatemarch:
As the owner of outpoast, I've explained this in the past, but to summarize: was already taken. Since it was me and a group of frens with an inside joke about building an outpost, I wanted to try to find something where the pronunciation was kept, so we settled on outpoast. Unfortunately, due to my lack of knowledge on the matter, I learned that Poast was a thing, and they don't like us due to their Admin having beef with a guy who helped us spin up the pleroma stuff. In terms of being different? We keep as light a moderation touch on it as humanly possible, and make it a policy to not reach for the defederation button unless federating with an instance is gonna damage our VPS's equipment.
As the owner of outpoast, I've explained this in the past, but to summarize: was already taken. Since it was me and a group of frens with an inside joke about building an outpost, I wanted to try to find something where the pronunciation was kept, so we settled on outpoast. Unfortunately, due to my lack of knowledge on the matter, I learned that Poast was a thing, and they don't like us due to their Admin having beef with a guy who helped...
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