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69 posts total
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
Wireless SNES controller + docked Steam Deck + modded FF4 Pixel Remaster :3
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
Tbh the people that are used to justify prison, like "What about child molesters, rapists, murderers"

They still don't justify prison cause they can just be put down lol, like bye
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@eris are you seriously advocating for death penalty?

e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
Anon asked: "Top 3 planets?"

TOI 1338 B, Jupiter, and Saturn

But fr like TOI 1338 B is so pretty

Anon asked: "Top 3 planets?"

TOI 1338 B, Jupiter, and Saturn

But fr like TOI 1338 B is so pretty
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple: of all instances turning on authorized fetch to be safe from fedi harassment is the most ironic thing I've ever read
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
implementing the oliphaggot block list, tier 25, you're fucked
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
the celeste dev making the most absurdly fucked up level possible: "this is JUST like being trans"
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
End of Twitter public API means end to cross posting spam on fedi hell yeah thank you Elon!
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
I'm that kind of tired where I've fallen out of the linear nature of time and am stuck in the eternal land of 4:30pm
e̷r̴i̸s̶ :verifiedpurple:
Shitposting to #fediblock is actually praxis because it has been a tool of abuse, lying, and gaslighting targeting primarily queer and trans users.

This is why people are making jokes in it and not taking it seriously, because it has not been used seriously.

Ro is now painting jorts users, a group of queer leftists, as white supremacists for posting jokes to a public tag. Ro is paid $1000 a month on his Patreon and individually sent even more to harass people this way, and he doesn't raise that money to assist others in mutual aid. It's purely for himself, while the rest of us struggle to pay for rent or food or medications as he paints us as bigots.

Marcia does the same thing, claiming intellectual property ownership over the fediblock tag, instead of treating the fediverse as a decentralized platform. She does this to demand financial compensation for use of the tag, and she takes trips to Europe with it for privilege most of us will never know.

These are not people aware of struggle, these are grifters piggybacking off the good nature of leftists to divide us, acting like COINTELPRO instead of calling for left unity against actually harmful actors. The abuse is never against fascists, they only target queer leftist fediverse users.

Recently they went on a harassment campaign against Kolektiva after doing so to Disqordia. Now they've moved onto Jorts. They will do the same thing to future leftist instances.

This behavior is disgusting and these grifters should be pushed out.
Shitposting to #fediblock is actually praxis because it has been a tool of abuse, lying, and gaslighting targeting primarily queer and trans users.

This is why people are making jokes in it and not taking it seriously, because it has not been used seriously.
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