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95 posts total
Christine Lemmer-Webber

I guess I should re-introduce myself. I'm Christine Lemmer-Webber, I'm co-author of the ActivityPub specification by which you are probably reading this message right now.

I'm also CTO of @spritelyinst where we're a 100% FOSS nonprofit building the next generation of decentralized networked technology for communities. It's cool shit.

High level intro to ideas:
Tech tour:

Chief cassandra complex haver of the internet. I like lisps and programming in them. Etc etc etc.

I'm also a queer translady. Don't forget that the queers largely built this place.

I guess I should re-introduce myself. I'm Christine Lemmer-Webber, I'm co-author of the ActivityPub specification by which you are probably reading this message right now.

I'm also CTO of @spritelyinst where we're a 100% FOSS nonprofit building the next generation of decentralized networked technology for communities. It's cool shit.

Nikki πŸ¦”

@cwebber let me tell you how activitypub is like spaghetti and mastodon instances are the meatballs

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Moderation on the fediverse is better than most outsiders claim and worse than most insiders claim.

Skylar Caulfield :verified:

@cwebber the thing about moderation is for every bad instance there is like 5 good ones. If your on a decent instance moderation is great and you have a great experience

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Most of the reasons for this are still, I think, correctly outlined in my OcapPub writeup

(yes it's not finished, I decided to move on to focusing on implementation work, but the critique parts are correct, and the path that's painted is still right.)


@cwebber (especially when the wrong examples are demonstratively brought forth by both sides.)

Christine Lemmer-Webber

A friend's comment got me wondering what the skew the gender of people whose posts I make reach in general so...

Post what you identify as:

Anonymous poll


nonbinary / agender
burn down all genders
447 people voted.
Voting ended 15 Nov 2022 at 16:53.
Christine Lemmer-Webber

okay this has been a fairly informative poll for me actually!

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Twitter allegedly fires 80% of contractors in one day without notice, contractors find out by not being able to log into company chat

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Onno Bos

@cwebber write mean you like it

Jay Holler

@cwebber some were in the middle of making changes and updates!


@cwebber @IOmons olha isso

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Often times people ask me, "But how do I learn about how ActivityPub works? Where do I get started?"

Friends! The ActivityPub spec itself is here to help you! There's a really lovely story-driven tutorial about ActivityPub right at the top of the spec in the "Overview" section!

Give it a read! I tried really hard to make it easy to follow, and it has beautiful illustrations from @mray!

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@cwebber outstanding work, congratulations to all involved. By the way, would you happen to know what is the easiest way to get the latest version of the full spec in printable format?


@cwebber @mray TBF such nice narratives in specs are sort of rare.

Alex R :heart_progress:

@cwebber @mray I think this is by far the *nicest* W3C spec I’ve ever read

Christine Lemmer-Webber

For years I had such a hard time explaining to *anyone* why this ActivityPub spec we were working so hard on mattered

When you think about it Elon paid 44 billion just to advertise the importance of the fediverse, gotta give that guy some credit, real generous of him

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@cwebber It’s so exciting to see this take off! You get tons of credit for sticking to it & getting #ActivityPub out the door way back in the day when few others saw the vision. A warm hug to you! #SocialWebWG #W3CSpecification


@cwebber PS. I love the concept that Elon paid $44B to promote an alternative. Hahaha

tech? no! man, see...

@cwebber I remember when we were waiting for the bus at RacketCon 2019 and you were trying to explain to me how Spritely addressed the shortcomings of the Fediverse and I could hear the gears in my head turning trying to grasp it but it was difficult and I really only kinda got half of what you were saying

now I'm on the other side of those conversations! it's tricky, especially when talking to people who have only known corporate networks

but on the other hand, explaining why user-empowering social networking in general is important has gotten a lot easier!

@cwebber I remember when we were waiting for the bus at RacketCon 2019 and you were trying to explain to me how Spritely addressed the shortcomings of the Fediverse and I could hear the gears in my head turning trying to grasp it but it was difficult and I really only kinda got half of what you were saying

Christine Lemmer-Webber

There's so much I haven't said about the making of the fediverse, ActivityPub, this moment. And so much of all of this feels really emotional for me *personally*. How we got here. The making of the spec. The huge role transphobia is playing in Twitter falling apart paralleling the huge role that trans people played building the fediverse. What I am trying my damnedest to build for the future of decentralized social networks.

There's so much I'd like to say, but talking about it feels dangerous, forbidden, selfish.

Sometimes I do kinda feel written out of all this history, but maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe it's for the best.

I didn't realize how fucked up that is until the other day when I commented out loud that I was "lucky" that I didn't get BlueSky because, given what's happening with Twitter, I'd almost certainly be getting a ton of transphobic attention right now. And a friend pointed out how terrible it was that I was even put in a position to *think* that.

Heck, up until pointing that, that's a thing I never even mentioned publicly. There you go, now you know: I was, I believe, second in the running to run BlueSky. It's not a shock they gave it to Jay Graber, I think she's great. But... (cotd ...)

There's so much I haven't said about the making of the fediverse, ActivityPub, this moment. And so much of all of this feels really emotional for me *personally*. How we got here. The making of the spec. The huge role transphobia is playing in Twitter falling apart paralleling the huge role that trans people played building the fediverse. What I am trying my damnedest to build for the future of decentralized social networks.

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Femboy Impersonator πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ¦€πŸ΄

@cwebber <3 <3 <3 <3


@cwebber Thanks for sharing. For a newcomer like me with very little understanding of the history and context of ActivityPub, the Fediverse and Mastodon I appreciated hearing your perspective.

maddox jacobs

@cwebber yea that must feel like youve dodged a few bullets, huh?

Christine Lemmer-Webber

don't worry, technology trends come and go, but excite/yahoo/altavista/myspace/friendster/sourceforge/that google product you loved are forever

Christine Lemmer-Webber

of course they won't shut it down. how hard could it really be to keep geocities going anyway?

Christine Lemmer-Webber

So here's the biggest tip I can give you if you're using Mastodon's web interface...

Someone sent you a link to a post on an external site and you really wanna fave and boost it but you don't know how?

You can copy and paste the URL the search box and it'll show it in your local UI!

Most important undocumented feature of Mastodon's web UI IMO. You're welcome.

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Tane Piper

@cwebber there's a big opportunity for people to create browser tools and plugins to make QoL improvements


@cwebber sadly this does not seem to be enabled on some instances. Thank you for the tip, will check it out on another instance.

(edited: seems to have this enabled but it doesn't seem to work. The instance I was on does not have it enabled)

JuTaRo :emacs: β˜•

@cwebber I'm lost haha.

First, what am I posting exactly?
Second, why is it useful?

I understand it's just copying a link to a post on mastodon?

I saw this tip and I thought it was some clever joke... But seems like a real thing?

Christine Lemmer-Webber

I dunno it's been a while since I've done introductions and there are some new fediverse people

I co-authored the protocol you're talking over (ActivityPub)

These days I'm working on next-generation decentralized network stuff at as CTO

I also co-host a podcast called FOSS & Crafts

That's it I guess, hope you're having fun

Clark W Griswold until 25-Dec

@cwebber Wow. I was following you anyway. Didn’t know you did ActivityPub. That’s awesome. Thanks for doing that!

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Big news!!! Come work with me at the @spritelyinst (where I'm CTO!) and help us build the future of the internet!

We're hiring for two positions!
- Operations Specialist / Bookkeeper (part time):
- Core Infrastructure Architect (full time):

I'll write a bit more about each below!

Big news!!! Come work with me at the @spritelyinst (where I'm CTO!) and help us build the future of the internet!

We're hiring for two positions!
- Operations Specialist / Bookkeeper (part time):
- Core Infrastructure Architect (full time):

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Christine Lemmer-Webber

Core Infrastructure Architect: Finally, the lisp/scheme hacking job you always wanted! Help us build our core tech!

Or maybe you're more admin/operations but you'd like to dabble in / grow your tech skills!

We're a nonprofit, everything is free and open source software, and the organization is fully remote!


@cwebber @spritelyinst You might want to list these on - maybe that way it'll reach some people outside the fediverse bubble.

Christine Lemmer-Webber

There's some scary things on the internet, but let's not forget that the #1 distributor of scary hard-right-wing content isn't anything new on the internet, it's Fox News.


@cwebber Even their name is disinformation. There's never any news about foxes.

Christine Lemmer-Webber

I watched a video of Meta's Horizon Worlds, in a sense it looks both okay, it's obvious work went into it, but also kinda bland, and reminded me of... something

Then it hit me... OH SHIT! Everything looks like 3d "Corporate Art Style"

:solar: vivi

@cwebber I really don't know why they are making this as bland as possible, it makes me increasingly expect that it's an intentional sabotage somehow?


@cwebber This video is still a very good review of this art style, IMHO.

Diane πŸ•΅

@cwebber Facebook's virtual reality gives me giant "second life, but boring and corporate" feels.

Haven't we tried all of this and it was boring?

Christine Lemmer-Webber

equal-always? in Racket 8.6 is maybe the first interesting equality predicate anyone has added to any programming language in a while, and a surprising justification to add something new to the existing pile of eq?/eqv?/equal?

Craig Maloney β˜•

@cwebber Racket is doing such interesting things with Scheme. This is why I hope they don't ruin it with their variant on trying to remove parens and make more like Python. I think that's a Perl6-level mistake in the making.

⟨ :stv: | TakeV ⟩

@cwebber My mind has been blown. This is not something I would have ever thought about, yet it seems like something that is so obvious in retrospect.
So much respect for the Racket community.

Christine Lemmer-Webber

The American badger, scientific name "taxidea taxus"

So I guess you could say it was double taxed on its taxonomy

Christine Lemmer-Webber

It's been a few years and I feel it's safe to say: removing the feed icon from browsers was one of the biggest net-negative impacts to the decentralized web we've seen

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Making it more usable for people by default: yes
Removing it: no

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Unlock Lisp / Scheme's magic: beginner to Scheme-written-in-Scheme in one hour!


This is the live talk version of A Scheme Primer, as published by @spritelyinst:

Christine Lemmer-Webber

This didn't get a lot of attention when I posted it on here... ok! But maybe I should re-state why it's interesting.

If you've wanted to get into Scheme or SICP, this is like a from-0-experience Scheme tutorial that compresses about 3/4 of SICP's core into an hour / 30 pages!

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