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9 posts total
Fidel Destro

Weird idea: Create open source characters with stock relationships and plot lines that anyone can use and expand on. Community owned IP, that anyone can develop and treat like their own.

It'd be neat to see a community like, for instance, Star Wars fandom, where the universe is treated like stock material that anyone and everyone can modify to their own needs, but based around designs and ideas that you can use for free.

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Jeff Bridges

@cjrando Like Cthulhu. (Or Tolkien.)

But YouTuber Austin McConnell is doing that with public domain superheroes. He's calling it his own cinematic universe, even if it's not all actually cinematic (I think the big thing is an upcoming book, but he's using "cinematic universe" as a short-hand term to explain what he's doing.) Interesting stuff. No idea how it's going to go, but several fun videos have come from him putting the idea together in plain sight, though.

Log 🪵

@cjrando Some of our modern legends are like that.

Bigfoot, for instance. The rights are covered in the Secrecy Laws, too, so when you use a sasquatch or a skunk ape in a story, all living cryptohominins get a royalty.

Fidel Destro

Ah, I see the Wikipedia is having another pledge drive. Here's your reminder that they literally have more money than they know what to do with, and have a full-time investment manager who just looks for stuff to do with their giant pile of cash.

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Rebecca Cotton-Weinhold

@cjrando I'm fine with Wikimedia having and making money. Insinuating that non-profits need to be cash strapped is and that it is somehow a problem when they have a lot of money to work with feels quite toxic. As far as I can tell the money is used in a good way, helps further their mission of free knowledge. So I think it's a win.

aismallard (relocated!)

@cjrando Other FOSS/open media projects meed the money more than the WMF does, yeah

Fidel Destro

Dumb story idea: dissidents in the near future using rebuilt and replica 1980s computer tech because it's so obscure and antiquated as to be virtually unhackable.

"Yes, you could easily and instantly decrypt my sensitive files, but can you read them off this floppy disk?"

The major hole in this is that parts of the federal government can upgrade verrrry slowly, so there's probably some basement dwelling FBI agent who's just like, "Sure, I'll use the 386 workstation at my desk."

Fidel Destro

"Wait, what the fuck is an amiga?"

José/Joana de Castro Arnaud

@cjrando And then, the volume of data must be fairly small: a 5 1/4'' diskette used to hold just 360 KB. For comparison, a *single* photo taken by a current mobile phone uses 4-10 MB.

"Sure, here's my supposedly pirated book." (Gives out a large box of 50 diskettes, holding a multipart .zip file of a single PDF file)

Can I use your idea for a short story (once I get around to develop it)? I'm at too, same username as this one.


@cjrando am I the only one going straight to compiz with that description? :p

Fidel Destro

A little wireframe render of the same effect, but with a more noticeably flame-like base mesh.

Fidel Destro

Late night mograph. I was gonna give it a spiffy name, but I don't think it's that special to me. Just glittery stuff being twisted about.
#Blender3D #B3D #GenerativeArt #3DArt

Fidel Destro

I feel like this is some shit a rich person would put on their wall.

Fidel Destro

Afternoon mograph. Doing some experiments with Musgrave textures, and doing lots of very strange things with color and distorting input coordinates. Kind of a floating oil slick.

That shader takes way too long to render. I don't like 6 second frames. Grumpy face.

Also, kinda looks like what it's like to do mushrooms.
#Blender3D #B3D #GenerativeArt #3DArt

Fidel Destro

"The artifacts are so different. So alien."

Fidel Destro

The interesting patterns actually need about 3 settings messed with. Musgrave Texture set to Ridged Multifractal, with the Detail raised, the Dimension reduced, and Gain boosted waaaaay up. And using a duplicate to manipulate input vectors has veeeerrrry interesting results.

Fidel Destro

Night time mograph. Just playing with shapes, distorting them, looking for pretty things.
#Blender3D #B3D #GenerativeArt #3DArt

Austin Heller

@cjrando It looks so slippery, like it would slide around my hands if I were to hold it. I like it.

Austin Heller

@cjrando I really hope someone gives you a well-paid opportunity to create these spectacles for games, artwork, etc.

Fidel Destro

Afternoon mograph. A sparkly electrical throbbing smoosh of spheres. I instanced spheres in a cube volume the other day, and I wanted to see if I could do a spherical one instead today.

Shading was inspired by the viewport, which had a neat ao-only kind of look.
#Blender3D #B3D #Mograph

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