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Fidel Destro

Dumb story idea: dissidents in the near future using rebuilt and replica 1980s computer tech because it's so obscure and antiquated as to be virtually unhackable.

"Yes, you could easily and instantly decrypt my sensitive files, but can you read them off this floppy disk?"

The major hole in this is that parts of the federal government can upgrade verrrry slowly, so there's probably some basement dwelling FBI agent who's just like, "Sure, I'll use the 386 workstation at my desk."

Fidel Destro

"Wait, what the fuck is an amiga?"

José/Joana de Castro Arnaud

@cjrando And then, the volume of data must be fairly small: a 5 1/4'' diskette used to hold just 360 KB. For comparison, a *single* photo taken by a current mobile phone uses 4-10 MB.

"Sure, here's my supposedly pirated book." (Gives out a large box of 50 diskettes, holding a multipart .zip file of a single PDF file)

Can I use your idea for a short story (once I get around to develop it)? I'm at too, same username as this one.

Fidel Destro

@jcastroarnaud You absolutely can, and that's very polite of you to ask.

Oooh, wouldn't ever suggest PDF, though. Ain't no Zilog Z80 out there fit to decompress a zip and render Postscript. I'll recommend ASCII and 1.2mb floppies. ;)

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