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208 posts total

we took turns shining our phone lights for each other to take pictures of the burned out car


the spiders with no memory (2013)

starting to work on a new project with some friends, and was reminded of this illustration i did 11 years ago, to the tune of a very short story written by jodorowsky


*hovering over kitchen sink eating raw cloves of garlic* this must be what they call girl dinner


@lake mematically, i think girl dinner requires a plate


i got casted as a “heavy metal fan” in the sequel to spinal tap lol


@lake so are you gonna be like, an extra. or is it a speaking role


bike ride thru the cement factory.

a coyote ran across my path and their fur looked so soft // i heard the train whistle blow and it was answered by a chorus of howls


night of the poux parade // me(left) friends(right) , digicam pic by my friend sabo


drawn in the process of moving out of my ex-gfs house. a weird and messy time where i spent a lot of time sleeping on the floor next to these dresser drawers, feeling surrounded by Ending morphing into ecstatic nothingness. i felt like dogshit and i felt so free.


I think I could tattoo lines forever…

wires for @gabujira !
was so sick to tattoo such a large composition, and working around a previous tattoo in a way that feels like an expansion of the design is so fun to me. mostly stencil, partly freehand. much time spent making the tendrils flow just right


#wiresarehumancobwebs #tattoo


dumpstered apples???= cinnamon apple chips + cinnamon apple butter


tattoos i wanna do ~

1st one could be anywhere, but think it would be lovely wrapping around an arm or a leg…


made a clip cord for a coil tattoo machine from scavenged materials.

works great- can’t wait to tattoo with it, tho i’ll wrap the exposed wires with e tape first. still i had to take some pictures because it looks cooler like this :’)


my coil machine setup. the machine itself was a gift from long ago; everything else was scavenged/free

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