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215 posts total

tatty design im looking forward to completing soon !
my client sent me a pic of where they wanted a tattoo and I came up with the design - we’ll freehand it in person later.


roasted butternut squash + sweet potato soup w allllllll dumpstered ingredients (except spices), ty @palomakop 4 the inspiration


was asked to tattoo 3 butterflies on 2 separate occasions. used a 3rl for the lines, they’re a tricky needle size to use, but i wanna get so good using them ok ok


me and @90377sedna s dumpster haul !! not pictured: 20+ cans of garbanzo beans and some other misc things…

meal ideas?? chili seems like the best first course of action…


@lake @90377sedna whoa are those pomegranates? if so pom/strawberry [+ maybe those greens back there?] frozen smoothie?

Liaizon Wakest

@lake @90377sedna glad to see your new kitchen getting some good dumpster use!


also I got to cybergothify @Basil‘s surgery scar yesterday and it was an honor


keep thinking about this study I read yesterday

“The Anthropocene is characterized by accelerating change and global challenges of increasing complexity. Inspired by what some have called a polycrisis, we explore whether the human trajectory of increasing complexity and influence on the Earth system could become a form of trap for humanity.”


going thru some old work today to send to a book publisher...
some years ago my jet-lagged ass drew this at 5am while wandering around beijing. colored it digitally a few months later. the window pattern with the shadow behind it was too intricate for me to want to draw it by hand so i made it as a pattern in illustrator.
this isnt a piece that fits into my portfolio, since i rarely color digitally, but i like it anyway...


rewatching my favorite childhood movie and i completely forgot how based it is? a fucking horse destroying railroad infrastructure to protect his homeland??


we found that the splintering wood and crumbling brick were only held together by decrepit dreams, after all.
we played in the strange construction, though we did not know the dreamer. we did not know if we ever had


found a photo of my desk from 10 years ago (fall 2013), it’s kind of comforting to feel like i’m on the same bullshit as always


scanned in a painting I did last year - “regrowth”
this piece is a break from my usual art processes- large format (3 feet tall), colors taking priority over linework. painting world is a strange wonderful zone i don’t enter often, but i always have a nice time when i do


—- critical error - please try again —-
screen printed patches on discarded duvetyne - selling for $10-15 sliding scale. (+ shipping - I can give you an estimate)
half of all sales go to relief efforts for gaza.
organization pending. perhaps . if you have suggestions, please share.


donated 1/2 of the proceeds from the patch sale to @/pal.gaza14 today.

wanted the $ to be as direct + effective as possible (didnt wanna just give to a huge organization like the red cross) so it took me a while to find a good place to donate.

I feel confident that the person running this account is doing good work and would encourage others to direct fund$ their way too (:

their instagram:

to donate:

still selling patches until they run out!

donated 1/2 of the proceeds from the patch sale to @/pal.gaza14 today.

wanted the $ to be as direct + effective as possible (didnt wanna just give to a huge organization like the red cross) so it took me a while to find a good place to donate.

I feel confident that the person running this account is doing good work and would encourage others to direct fund$ their way too (:

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