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208 posts total

hike to the communication tower on the highest mountain of the island Saba

Dante Scanline

@lake movie-level grit and grime on that ladder 😍


sitting on the bow pulpit while underway is .., amazing


@lake hahaha when I was a kid that was always my favorite spot

hard to be up front and have a hand on the tiller, which is what limits me nowadays....



You’re facing aft, face forward into the future. Also the tattoo on your right thigh is beautiful.


three drills - tattoo from my flash for Dom
the drills point upwards to Dom’s cadaver ACL(!!!) and I just think that’s the coolest placement / concept that coulda come out of this flash


this tattoo was based on the art piece “Sigaldría” by leo pum - was so enthralled when i came across photos of this installation i immediately felt compelled to draw it. there is something haunting and singular about machines that can evoke an emotion, a feeling.

Devine Lu Linvega

@lake that's a classic <3 excellent book. A good one to get into after that is Kenneth Newmeyer's Sailing The Farm


i haven’t seen this short film since i was in high school, but just randomly found it again … one of those things that you forget about but deeply impresses itself into your subconscious.


oh holy tower of messages :: I crave eyes to see the threaded thoughts coiling and uncoiling inside of you

Jank Hambrams

@lake Whoa, I love that! All the metal beams and such are so cool to look at, and this tattoo is very very cool


recently I’ve been helping my friends with a show for the New Orleans Giant Puppet Festival. The show is called Eyes of the Beholder- it’s beauty and the beast, but with lesbian bug elves in an industrial fascist nightmare world. (obviously, the themes everyone wants and needs)
for my part, I drew a series of illustrations that were projected as part of the prologue.
I’ll post more later, but for now here are some stills from the show….


posting my illustrations for the prologue of Eyes of the Beholder !

1 - the first egg cavern, too small
2 - the newly built egg cavern, defaced with filigree


last nights rave at the abandoned warehouse :: my roommates providing visual feedback projections atop an engineless school bus that appeared there a few days prior


incredible find at a CVS dumpster ln. totally filled sketchbook, some of the drawings dated 1971-1975.


… the life of an io moth …

i found this grub on @liaizon old house porch in november. i kept it in a plastic takeout container and fed it willow leaves until it cocooned in december. a few days ago it emerged a beautiful fuzzy thing. i released it last night, tho it stayed crawling around on my hand for a long time before taking flight.

goodbye + good luck dear moth

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