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ive always adamantly maintained that i cannot tan, but living on a boat in the caribbean for 40 days has disproved this


average public transport vehicle in kingstown, st. vincent.


these are the main buses used by every1 to get around, schoolkids to grandmas. every single driver blasts soca music + drives like maniac

themed vans I saw 2day:

Hot girls in bikinis
Anime samurai
“God is real” on windshield
Monopoly man gangster
Joker smoking cigar
“I don’t want peace I want problems”
“She love to suck and swallow” small text on back of bus
“Status taxi” graffiti letters
“Business machine #mytoy


further experiments in cooking with seaweed (sargassum fulvellum). this time cooked with butter, onion, garlic, paprika, ginger, pepper, mirin, salt water.
needs a long time cooking to break down the toughness of the plant, but overall result is : delicious. great. very healthy tasting

article on health benefits of the plant :


refill the water tank is a favorite boat task.
think it satisfies some primal urge to collect water in jugs from some found source (natural spring, fish market, water spout at a bar…)


fuck it i’m cooking seaweed

( foraged dinner consisting of gathered seaweed, speared lionfish, breadfruit from local tree )

( …was delicious / have many ideas for future seaweed dishes… )


@lake am definitely interested in following along and seeing more seaweed cooking!


still the best spot on the boat

(@ sunset, leaving martinique last night)

Trammell Hudson

@lake I can't decide between the end of the jib-boom or atop the skysail yard.


@lake My spot! 🤣 Happy sailing! ⛵


sketch while waiting for sewing supply store to open from lunch break - Saint-Pierre, Martinique


Was sick today so i draw idealized self portrait to keep morale up


the number of times i have looked out onto the ocean and thought “this looks 3d generated” is probably concerning


@lake All fine until you spot texture mapping errors.

Mrs Beanbag

@lake me looking out the window of a train: "is that parallax scrolling"


met this wingnut German guy who just took me scuba diving this morning…. we were 40ft below the surface for half an hour. I never even swum with flippers before. what the fuck…


incredibly unreal and alien to be that deep and unable to even see the surface of the water above you. i saw a plastic bottle of coke down there and it was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen


sailed into dominica last night.
wandered around the town we anchored by today- wild town with goats and chickens running around. at some point this guy comes up to us, tells me “everyone has been talking about your tattoos”, and shows me one he has: naked girl bending over with the text “money over biches”(sic)
Later on, another guy does the exact same thing, he’s got “secret creeper” tattooed down his entire arm in huge letters. incredible. i love tattoos.


ig ive been living on a boat for 2.5 weeks? I love it??

we’re anchored in a marine park off the coast of Guadeloupe, the sixth island we’ve sailed to. there’s an abandoned natural spring bath house a 5min dinghy ride away, there are cute cheap bakeries everywhere on shore, everything is good

🇵🇸 Mari :nb_crossbow:

@lake combo of the roots and your tangled wires tattoo 💜

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