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yesterday in cartagena : wandering, tattooing
this is the second ear tattoo ive done; really enjoy doing them. this is also the second time ive tattooed on a boat(!)
this one is for Lola, who ive been sailing with since we met up in Grenada some months ago. we had been talking about doing this tattoo for a while, but i refused to do it until we got to columbia because we were swimming almost every day while we were still sailing in the caribe


made it to cartagena, columbia after a four day sail from aruba- longest passage ive done so far. exhausting! exhilarating! we did it all with a broken boom, around ~130nm a day
my sleep schedule is chopped and screwed from night sailing… but lookin forward to exploring columbia once I recover
here is our very cute crew holding luma’s broken boom

Steve Gisselbrecht

I was very briefly VERY confused by you sailing 130 nanometers per day.


sailing today to an uninhabited island southeast of curaçao to plunder shipwrecks... hoping to find a new boom for Luma…

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update, on shipwreck plundering:

we did not find a new boom… but did excavate a few months’ old wreck- found an anchor chain that is in much better shape than the one we have now.

the extraction mission was an insane ordeal involving the four of us dragging the (many hundred pounds worth of) chain in chain-gang fashion across the whole island, some of us wearing backpacks loaded with chain, some of us wrapping huge amounts of it around our bodies.

it looked ludicrous


decided if i need to write a text that uses a semicolon im not going to hold myself back anymore


in these last few months i have beheld more tropical fish in the wild than i ever have in my life. only recognize a lot of them because of an aquarium screensaver I used to have on a laptop


@lake if it interests you and you ever cant identify any, folks on could also probably help! (and observations from often unseen places would be very cool i bet)


i don’t think there is anything cooler than sailing a boat at 3am, all ur homies are slumbering below deck, youre blasting silver mt zion on a bluetooth speaker, and a dolphin spontaneously leaps out of the random spot of water you’re staring off into the distance at

Trammell Hudson

@lake watching the moon rise while becalmed in a fog during the night watch and a thousand kilometers from anywhere is a close second


we made it to curaçao after a weeklong 450nm journey along the venezuelan coast. the boom snapped in half in the middle of the night about 140nm in, so we sailed with the jib the rest of the way. was totally chill, downwind + with a lovely 2 knot current the whole way. we stayed at barely inhabited islands with tiny coast guard stations, we were visited by many pods of dolphins, we caught and cooked many big fish…..


we found a shrine on an uninhabited island off the coast of Venezuela


boat update :

all our boat work done at last! our vessel has been released back into her natural habitat.. somehow nearly spent a month in Trinidad. time is wild… after some final preparations we will set sail later today, headed to curaçao… !!

🇵🇸 Mari :nb_crossbow:

@lake hooray for boat float day! wishing you fair winds are following seas! ⛵️


dont @ me i have Crawled inside the chain locker of the boat


sharing this substack article / podcast by Ismatu Gwendolyn, an artist living in Sierra Leone. discusses such things as the role of the artist in current society, money as a drug, being an artist as a member of a marginalized class, many more things..
“Art-making: not as a leisure activity, solely or simply an expression of self, but as the most important medium that we have to communicate.”

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