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Devine Lu Linvega

@lake that's a classic <3 excellent book. A good one to get into after that is Kenneth Newmeyer's Sailing The Farm


@neauoire ooh I’ll have to look into that one too, thank you!!
i’m headed to the caribbean to sail with some friends in a couple weeks, indefinite end, trying to study up before i head out there :)

Devine Lu Linvega

@lake I'm excited for you! You'll have a blast :) The Pardeys also wrote an excellent book called The Feeding And Caring Of The Offshore Crew, which is more about long-distance sailing stuff, they wrote it during the return from their time in Japan.


@neauoire wow i am just realizing I had an ebook of sailing the farm already downloaded long ago. for what purpose i do not know!! love that haha

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