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UN special rapporteur Francesca Albanese explains that Israel does not have the right to self defence under international law because it is a belligerent occupier.

Albanese clarifies Article 51 of UN Charter (right to wage war) that Israel invoked (00:18) has no legitimate claim to "self-defense" when waging war against an occupied population.



accurate summary of what visiting a website in 2023 is like

edit: original source helpfully found by people in replies

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Johannes :verified_paw: :donor:

@yogthos Stop ripping off brand new content without credit, the creator is Ryan George and literally uploaded this to YouTube 2 days ago, you could have literally just posted the embedded video link instead.



The Anti-AntiAdblocker uBlock Origin filter to get rid of the annoying YouTube message. It turns off the JavaScript anti-adblock payload.

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@yogthos Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work on my end.


@yogthos I keep seeing stuff about youtube's anti adblock but I literally haven't seen it yet


Journalist : โ€œGaza has no access to food, water and electricity. Iโ€™m interested to know if the Chancellor supports this and does he see these actions covered by international law?โ€

Speaker for the gov: โ€œFor the Chancellor (Scholz) the main thing is the solidarity with Israel!โ€

The reaction from the journalist at the end says it all.


Twitter/X has officially removed article headlines on links shared to the platform displaying just the image and website.

This is what happens when you let go all your UX people.

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Using Free Software in commercial applications is a thing, but it's not a theft or transfer of assets, because software is zero marginal cost. The inverse of this argument was made by Microsoft in the 1990s arguing why government use of FLOSS was bad for the American economy.

I worked as a sys-admin for the government for over a decade and our use of Free Software saved the taxpayers enormous amounts of money.


@yogthos It honestly depends on the license. A number of idealistic people developed the "free as in speech" copyright concept in the 1960s and 1970s. Then there was the "copyleft" idea, and there isn't even one GPL, there are like five variants.

Meanwhile the BSD license exists, in a few clauses, is quick and easy to read, and just says "do whatever you want, just retain the author's name in the source and don't sue us when something breaks." Very capitalism-friendly.


turning tangled wire into art

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