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China has overtaken the US as the foreign power seen as having the biggest positive influence in Africa by young people, according to a survey released on Monday.


“What makes the surrender of some of the value produced by workers exploitation is that it’s surrendered not in some democratic process but taken as a result of the power one class has over another.”


@yogthos actually, if your cat scratches excessively, it could mean they're either stressed or bored.

As an environmentalist, I urge everyone to only have indoor cats, but that doesn't mean you just trap them in the house and ignore their instinctual needs. They need enrichment: toys, playtime with humans or other animals, exposure to new situations and environments, and *supervised* outings every day.


"Banner of the Great October" painting by Akhmed Kitaev, USSR, 1980.

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Drezil :butterfly_trans:

@yogthos still wrong.
Autopilot is NEVER liable.
And Tesla counts every crash as "on autopilot" when it was active anytime in the 5 seconds before impact.
Funny thing is: even being rear ended country as AP crash.
Still 3 times safe than human 🤷‍♀️

So please stop sharing those lies. There is enough to criticize without blatantly misrepresenting facts.. 😕

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