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accurate summary of what visiting a website in 2023 is like

edit: original source helpfully found by people in replies

Misuse Case

@yogthos Hey @leo this can’t go on the SECURITY NOW! podcast but really, it do be like this sometimes.

Misuse Case

@yogthos @leo Oh the thing with extra SMS codes and captchas, I thought that was just me because I use a VPN.

Shantell Powell

@yogthos it’s missing the “oh. You’re running an ad blocker. Turn it off to see our content.” Or, close the popup storm to view the content.


@Shanmonster lol yeah that's been the new bullshit



"accurate summary of what visiting a website in 2023 is like" 👇


This is genius.
(Also hilarious, if not so real.)

August Jackson

@yogthos Hey, you forgot the part where the website gives you popups to read on their app rather than the web, permission to send you browser alerts, and… 😎

Johannes :verified_paw: :donor:

@yogthos Stop ripping off brand new content without credit, the creator is Ryan George and literally uploaded this to YouTube 2 days ago, you could have literally just posted the embedded video link instead.


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