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533 posts total
War and Peas 🧿

Made in Germany with robust, UV-resistant, true to color and long-lasting material:

GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

@warandpeas Image description: Ghost of a newly-deceased person to personified Death: "Hey, wait, I think you made a mistake!" Death: "Tom C. Bailey?" "No, I'm Tim C. Riley." "Oh, pardon - I forgot my glasses. I'll fix you back up." "Wait, can I go haunt my ex for like fifteen minutes?"

War and Peas 🧿

Can't believe it's been 3 years since this book came out!

You can get signed editions in our shop!

Dominik Belt :belt:

More like an exclamation of a cat.
The dog would probably say: "You can do it, mistress. I believe in you!" :collar:


Count Regal Inkwell

@warandpeas If the dog is female then it, too, is a bitch. :>



A four panel digital line drawn comic.

Panel 1: a man stands in front of what may be a derelict building with a sign reading 'Dog Slaughter House'. He exclaims "Oh my god. That's awful!". The background is dour indicating this is a place of misery (if the sign didn't give it away).

Panel 2: the same man has turned away from the building, hands on his hips. He says "I need to do something about this!".

Panel 3: the man is accepting a deed (presumably from an estate agent) and shaking hands with another man across a desk. The other man says "The premise is officially yours now".

Panel 4: the man stands in front of the same building, hands on hips, and says "Much better!". The building is tidier now, bright orange with an ornate gate, columned entrance steps, a fountain and shiny new windows. The sun is out now. The sign on the building however still reads 'Dog Slaughter House'...


A four panel digital line drawn comic.

Panel 1: a man stands in front of what may be a derelict building with a sign reading 'Dog Slaughter House'. He exclaims "Oh my god. That's awful!". The background is dour indicating this is a place of misery (if the sign didn't give it away).

grob 🇺🇦

@warandpeas Brutus will be having even more fun now in his Dog's Laughter House.


@warandpeas a four panel comic :

first panel : two flower with a face watching a bee in the sky. On is saying "Damn, that bee is buff"second panel : same flower saying "Those muscular legs. I bet they could carry so much pollen..."third panel : just the bee flying and making it's own life, not caring about the flowersfourth panel : the flower who was talking is now looking at the ground while the other one is looking at the flower who is looking on the ground. The flower who is looking on the ground say "Man, i'm so horny"

@warandpeas a four panel comic :

first panel : two flower with a face watching a bee in the sky. On is saying "Damn, that bee is buff"second panel : same flower saying "Those muscular legs. I bet they could carry so much pollen..."third panel : just the bee flying and making it's own life, not caring about the flowersfourth panel : the flower who was talking is now looking at the ground while the other one is looking at the flower who is looking on the ground. The flower who is looking on the ground...
Evie (SleepyCatten)

@warandpeas Could you edit the post to add the below alt text for those who use screen readers? 🥺💟

A comic by War and Peas with 4 panels.

Panel 1: A mother is washing up while her daughter reads a newspaper at the table. The daughter gasps at the headline: Men died out!"

Panel 2: The grandmother enters & says: "The time has come to show you your great-great-grandfather Ronald's family heirloom!" The mother looks at her & says: "Mother..."


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Umami! I’ve come to bargain…

Umami! I’ve come to bargain…

Umami! I’ve come to bargain…

Umami! I’ve come to bargain…


@warandpeas What happened to "HOME SALTY HOME"? Was it censored out?

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

@warandpeas What is umami? The best goddamn flavor in existence. That's what.

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