
A four panel digital line drawn comic.

Panel 1: a man stands in front of what may be a derelict building with a sign reading 'Dog Slaughter House'. He exclaims "Oh my god. That's awful!". The background is dour indicating this is a place of misery (if the sign didn't give it away).

Panel 2: the same man has turned away from the building, hands on his hips. He says "I need to do something about this!".

Panel 3: the man is accepting a deed (presumably from an estate agent) and shaking hands with another man across a desk. The other man says "The premise is officially yours now".

Panel 4: the man stands in front of the same building, hands on hips, and says "Much better!". The building is tidier now, bright orange with an ornate gate, columned entrance steps, a fountain and shiny new windows. The sun is out now. The sign on the building however still reads 'Dog Slaughter House'...