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I can't see any aurora borealis right now in northern Alberta, Canada

But I do see all your amazing pics, keep em coming!

(Don't worry about me, northern lights/aurora borealis are very common up here, literally nobody I know here really cares about this one because they are so common, but it's super cool to witness them appear in uncommon places and to see all the excitement)

Stanislaus Grumman 🇵🇸 :berd:

@dansup We've seen them (very faintly, but still) in Spain!!!!!!!


I'm debating reviving my official pixelfed hosting service idea, it's not a regular host service though!

Rather you'd bring a S3, Hetzner, Linode, DigitalOcean API key to our service

We would provision or otherwise manage (1-click updates, automated backups) your instance while allowing you to maintain total control over ownership of the underlying server and data

I'm thinking $5-20 a month for this, and it would allow admins a new level of peace of mind while maintaining total control


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Jerry Lerman

@dansup I maintain many personal servers (Mastodon, email server, Bluesky PDS, DNS, VPN, WordPress, Nextcloud, Peertube) and several more!, that I'd welcome having a Pixelfed instance that someone else would maintain for me. I'm just out of spare time.

I've thought of setting up a Pixelfed instance, but just haven't had the weekend time to do it.

So, yep, I'd sign up.

Yves Luther

@dansup I am a totally happy @mastohost user and always wished for a similar offer for my own pixelfed instance. Please make it happen Dan!

Jason Cosper

@dansup Great idea! SpinupWP does this for WordPress if you need inspiration.


Pixelfed really needs some corporate sponsors to help fund everything we are doing

If you know of potential sponsors that want their website or logo listed on,, and please let me know!

It's getting expensive to fund all these out of pocket, and as it stands I may have to limit myself to Pixelfed only if we can't get more financial support.

Kévin ⏚

@dansup I went to see if you already had one, but rather than a Corpo could try crowdfunding through Liberapay and Ko-Fi


@dansup not financial but @devs (Fastly) has the fast forward program with which their offer there services (like CDN) for free for open source projects that qualify.
They have interest in the fediverse and already sponsor my instance


While working on the Pixelfed mobile app refactor, I found the issue causing “broken” or missing comments, it’s not a federation bug, but rather a hardcoded limit of 20 comments (on the MastoAPI)

Working on the fix, and a new pixelfed API for better comment pagination.


We do honour requests from remote servers to delete accounts, but sometimes it does not happen as expected.

So we're building a feature to automate this process so anyone can easily purge their old deleted account from any Pixelfed instance ✨


@pixelfed While this looks helpful it also seems potentially dangerous and ready to be abused. Is there anything preventing a rogue admin from deleting accounts in this fashion?

dansup is one of the longest-running Pixelfed servers, founded in 2018. You can sign up at:


You can find out more at or contact the admin @pixelfedde


I’m working on fixing PeerTube, Hubzilla and Friendica support in @pixelfed

But wait, there’s one more thing: We’re also adding federation support for Lemmy/Kbin/Mobilizon and other fediverse platforms.

Maybe you can do everything with a single (pixelfed) fediverse account 😎


Seeing this post from mbin (kbin fork), I am looking forward to it! Sounds exciting

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some other things to note:

- "49K Likes" is the total amount of likes of posts created by this account, a new reputational metric

- 6 feed nav tabs: (Photo grid, Loops, Collections, Comments, Tagged in Posts and Place Map (a map of posts you've made by location))

- Loops integration (more info on this soon.jpg)

- Link verification (when you add a verified website with rel=me, your profile website link will turn green with a badge to signal its verified)

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some other things to note:

- "49K Likes" is the total amount of likes of posts created by this account, a new reputational metric

- 6 feed nav tabs: (Photo grid, Loops, Collections, Comments, Tagged in Posts and Place Map (a map of posts you've made by location))

- Loops integration (more info on this soon.jpg)

- Link verification (when you add a verified website with rel=me, your profile website link will turn green with a badge to signal its verified)


Did you know that Dansup who made PixelFed is working on a federated TikTok clone called Loops and it looks extremely good

Dansup has been posting a lot about the WIP and the design choices are very user-centric in a way that the Fediverse sometimes is not


Did you know that Miguel who founded the mono project is now working on porting the Godot editor to iPad

Note this is the *editor*… the games already run on iPad, this is *creating* games on iPad

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Fish Id Wardrobe

@dansup a giant webring of "here's how I solved X" technical blog posts, maybe?

Juan Luis

@dansup Why?

On Mastodon, I cannot see the full conversation, only the posts my server knows about.

On a federated SO, would I see only the answers my server knows about? How can I know I'm looking at the best then?

What's the point of decentralizing questions, which have just one "most correct" answer?

Dan Neuman

@dansup The problem with doing that to avoid ChatGPT *et al* is that all they have to do is build their own server and federate. They can then scrape every answer.

However, it would be nice to have a non-corporate system. Painful to rebuild Stack Overflow's database.


@loops honestly this might be the first time ever being hyped for the release of a social media platform lmao


Experimenting with server badges instead of webfinger urls (ex:


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@dansup The badge is a little much, but it’s close, the idea of separation is there. It views as an after thought. I would use a more standard @@ and maybe scale it back to 90-75% grey.

I’d do a quick mockup, but I’m in a meeting (booooo).

Pixelcode 🇺🇦

@dansup I don't really like server badges because they don't immediately tell you what they are and that they're an integral part of a profile's address. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@dansup I'm afraid this could make the feidverse more difficult to understand to the general audience 😦 (user@something it's relatable to email, so more intuitive, I think)


Experimenting with server badges instead of webfinger urls (ex:


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@dansup The badge is a little much, but it’s close, the idea of separation is there. It views as an after thought. I would use a more standard @@ and maybe scale it back to 90-75% grey.

I’d do a quick mockup, but I’m in a meeting (booooo).

Pixelcode 🇺🇦

@dansup I don't really like server badges because they don't immediately tell you what they are and that they're an integral part of a profile's address. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@dansup I'm afraid this could make the feidverse more difficult to understand to the general audience 😦 (user@something it's relatable to email, so more intuitive, I think)


I’m working on fixing PeerTube, Hubzilla and Friendica support in @pixelfed

But wait, there’s one more thing: We’re also adding federation support for Lemmy/Kbin/Mobilizon and other fediverse platforms.

Maybe you can do everything with a single (pixelfed) fediverse account 😎


Seeing this post from mbin (kbin fork), I am looking forward to it! Sounds exciting


We just shipped a minor change that limits new accounts ability to send DMs until the account is older than 72 hours

This is in response to reports of DM spam originating from


Radically Open Security, the nonprofit computer security company donates 90% of its profits to NLnet. Today @ros turned 10 years old *and* crossed the magical number of 1 million euro in donations to NLnet.

Happy birthday ROS! And thanks a million :-).

We interviewed ROS co-founder and CEO Melanie Rieback to learn why she decided to give the company such an unusual business model.


I joined the @cloudron Forum so I can more efficiently resolve bug reports and issues.

Thanks to @Yehuda for bringing the config cache bug to my attention, I've since responded in that thread and shipped the fix and tagged a new version (v0.12.1)

I apologize for the inconvenience, and look forward to helping attain perfect Cloudron/docker support going forward 💪


Super proud of the @pixelfed Curated Onboarding feature

Want to curate new users rather than have open registrations?

Not only do we support that, but we built a clever system to request more information from the applicant

We send them a link that takes them to a form where they can respond, and admins can get notified via email whenever there is a new applicant or response

But wait, there is more, admins can define reusable email request templates for easy management


@dansup @pixelfed Hi! And what about ? Pixelfed evolving prety fast! It would be great if official :android: app will update same speed. 👍 And thank you again for your work 💪

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