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Experimenting with server badges instead of webfinger urls (ex:



Marco Smit

@dansup Looks a bit heavy and drags the eye. Maybe in a lighter grey?
But I like the idea



They look rather similar. Especially if someone had colour-blindness.

I wonder whether there could be square icons for the giant instances, round for medium size and triangular for small?

Incorporating black shapes would distinguish them more. Keyhole, stripe, slash, box.


@dansup Looks good, but i'd leave @ and make this badge slightly lighter. Dark color draws too much attention.

Maybe something like this:


@partizan Yeah I decided to go in this direction!

Markus 🌱

@dansup My only worry is that it'd result in users being less familiar with the full username syntax.

So that it is not as smooth an experience when trying different federated services.

Arne Brasseur

@dansup I like the idea of showing the instance separately, but the badge seems a bit heavy. I'd rather deemphasize it, maybe a bit smaller and gray.

Having it separate means you can have separate click/hover behavior specifically for the instance, I think that's cool. maybe showing an overlay with some server stats or an excerpt from the about page.

Mauricio Castro

@dansup I feel conveys the idea it's all the same service in a nice way! UI-wise I'd use a lighter touch of color in the badges.


@dansup The badge is a little much, but it’s close, the idea of separation is there. It views as an after thought. I would use a more standard @@ and maybe scale it back to 90-75% grey.

I’d do a quick mockup, but I’m in a meeting (booooo).


@dansup I'm afraid this could make the feidverse more difficult to understand to the general audience 😦 (user@something it's relatable to email, so more intuitive, I think)

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