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I never would have anticipated that @pixelfed would have grown to what it is today.

This shoutout from Cambodia made me tear up, I'm so happy that I can make a difference in the fediverse!

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Simeon Nedkov

@pixelfed @dansup Good job! Making other people happy with your skills is the best!

John Weeks :mastodon:

@dansup @pixelfed Good times. Did this Fediverse talk in Phnom Penh, big tech meetings are _slowly_ starting to come back after Pando time. For sure there'll be more sharing to come. :)


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This but for meta 🤣 jokes aside I’m eagerly awaiting their entry to the fediverse with caution.

Let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst, but most of all, let’s not forget we’re all in this together and we all want the same thing more or less, freedom and control over our social presence ❤️


A year later, and I'm still not sure if I picked the best logo 😅

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@dansup I like all of these! My favourites are the second last ones (is this how you say "vorletzte" in English?) from lines 3 and 4


@dansup You did. The color palette gives people a hint what to expect, while the circular nature means the image isn’t getting cut off when used in spots that get trimmed to that. It’s simple, but effective. The others could have worked, and some probably just as well or close enough, but this one clearly isn’t the wrong choice, and that, combined with what I’ve said above, makes it the right one. 😄


@dansup oh those are amazing. Who was the designer top notch work


I should have picked react instead of vue 😑


I'm so glad I focused on platform safety and security instead of rushing full federation.

As developers, there is a lot more we can do to provide an alternative that really takes privacy, safety and security seriously. #pixeldev

Ænðr E. Feldstraw

@dansup Which federation protocol parts did you omit from #PixelFed in order to sustain #privacy, safety, and #security?


ActivityPub breathalyzer when?

Just kidding, I can't toot sober.

Extarys :manjaro:

Well, I can't toot when I sleep. So I stopped sleeping.


There are 3 important components to Loops:

1) Capture & Composing

2) Transcoding & Fan-out

3) Loops UI/Pages

I'm almost done 2 & 3 and hope to ship Loops in beta very soon!

#pixelfed #Loops


@dansup i like this but almost seems like its own social media. Might as well bring back MicroUI and make pixelfed social media for everything 😊


The Loops discover page will be accessible to guests and logged in users!

esmevane, sorry

@dansup definitely the best album that year, also one of the best ever. only problem is that it ends!


As much as I like seeing pixelfed mentioned so often, it shouldn't come at the expense of devs or users thinking its the only option.

The fediverse is much bigger than Mastodon, PeerTube and Pixelfed. I hope we don't forget that.


"We have enormous freedom. That’s not a gift that was given to us, it’s a legacy that was left to us by centuries of struggle. By centuries of people that most of whose names are completely forgotten, the ones who created the freedom and the rights we now have, and that will be taken away unless you constantly defend them."

- Noam Chomsky


My biggest regret is dropping out of high school when I was 15.

I learned how to code in my early 20s to stay out of trouble and it worked.

I used to dream of working on a project like pixelfed.

Never give up on your dreams!


@dansup I didn't drop out of school but I still regret many things. I admire your persistence. It means way more than a degree.

Jason Robinson (inactive!)

@dansup same kind of story. Quit school at 19. Had a business for 6 years which was mainly a hobby because I was too lazy to study. Did that and some receptionist and pub work for 10 years, then got a professional dev job via hobbies. All I've achieved after that is due to open source portfolio and self learning.

Emelia 👸🏻

@dansup if it's any consolation, I completed high school but technically failed (I still graduated, but my grade was 45%): me learning how to code during highschool & pouring energy into opensource got me jobs, and highschool is all but irrelevant now (apart from in anxiety/stress dreams)

So you're maybe not missing as much as you might think!


SSB and Manyverse are neat ideas theoretically, but they can't compete with the fediverse.

Imagine having to download gigabytes of data before you could use Mastodon or Pleroma.


Imagine you want to post from a notebook AND a smartphone.


Why would you have to download that much? I thought the point was to connect directly to users you want to follow, and not having to rely on large instances? But maybe I misunderstood.

Григорий Клюшников

IMO anything that can't be viewed in a web browser without relying on any client-side state is destined to fail. You should be able to send people links to things. So this automatically means you can't use any p2p protocol at all for decentralized social media.


Practicing my video editing skills for a future pixelfed commercial, this is one of my favourite burial samples.


I love iMovie. Its simple and it gets the job done. It's been a lot of fun making these pixelfed commercials!

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