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My biggest regret is dropping out of high school when I was 15.

I learned how to code in my early 20s to stay out of trouble and it worked.

I used to dream of working on a project like pixelfed.

Never give up on your dreams!


@dansup I didn't drop out of school but I still regret many things. I admire your persistence. It means way more than a degree.

Jason Robinson (inactive!)

@dansup same kind of story. Quit school at 19. Had a business for 6 years which was mainly a hobby because I was too lazy to study. Did that and some receptionist and pub work for 10 years, then got a professional dev job via hobbies. All I've achieved after that is due to open source portfolio and self learning.

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@dansup if it's any consolation, I completed high school but technically failed (I still graduated, but my grade was 45%): me learning how to code during highschool & pouring energy into opensource got me jobs, and highschool is all but irrelevant now (apart from in anxiety/stress dreams)

So you're maybe not missing as much as you might think!

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