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The person reading this.
A member of the fediverse.
Wanting more than the status quo.
The social construct and expectations.
Participate and predicate.
Everything you can.
Build the future.
You are.


smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)



People all together.
We hear you and listen.
We talk and get heard.
Make and create.
For progress.
For people.


Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

"Build the future", yes, and don't forget to 'Be The Future'!

Embody the future you want to see.

#buildTheFuture #beTheFuture


For the past few years I would spend the winter holiday working on #pixelfed features that would be released on Christmas day.

I wasn't able to do that this year, and I feel bad about it, but I promise I'll make it up to you!

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@dansup dev is a marathon not a sprint 😁

Kiko León

@dansup ¡Como dicen por aquí, esto es una maratón! ¡Lo importante es que esto no te llegue a agobiar! Habrá tiempo más adelante.


I got spoiled this year! Two of my biggest fans gifted me custom Pixelfed apparel and art.

I know I said before it seems like my family and friends don't support me as much as I'd like, but they really do. ❤️

Filbert Salim

@dansup Don't worry, you also get my mental support to develop Pixelfed 👍


When you view post likes, you'll notice it now shows accounts you follow first. It just makes sense. #pixelfed #metroUI

Christoffer Tallerås :noreg:

@dansup woaw

One design decition better than the previous one. This upcoming update never stops impressing 🤯

And going more away from the instagram stuff was the best decition ever


Good Morning fediverse

Only one more sleep until Christmas eve! 🎄🎅


It's the heavy snowfall warning for me, it does feel a lot like Christmas though 😁


Less than 24 hours after launching we have 33 members who have contributed translations for 16 different languages on #pixelfed!

Thank you everyone! ❤️


When browsing the beta UI timelines, you may notice the new comment section.

Each post will show the first 3 comments by default, and you will be able to sort them by newest and most liked.

In addition you can now upload a photo as a comment/reply, view comment/reply likes and toggle comment settings! #pixelfed #betaUI


Misskey supports banner ads in feeds?!?

I mean I get to each their own, but it's not a good look for a federated project IMO #activitypub #ads


Hello #l10n!

Adding full localization support was on my todo list for too long 😅

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Michael Zeevi

@dansup thanks for the quick responses to my issues there, I'm sure there will be a few more, but most of the string are straight forward enough. (:

Michael Zeevi

@dansup I've gotten started with #hebrew.
Thanks for the quick responses to my few issues there, I'm sure there will be some more later - but most of the strings are straight forward enough. (:


Just watched Dune, such a great movie


@dansup Should have been a series, ala Foundation. Give the story the time it needs/deserves without compromising on the pace.


I'm sad that Feneas is shutting down, their organization stewarded many positive fediverse initiatives and a sense of institutional stability with the plethora of services they host.

I know won't compete with them or, but I'm doing the best I can to build beyond Pixelfed with services and tools for the fediverse.


Only 10 #activityPub projects have more than 10k users.

Most new projects struggle with getting attention and visibility.

I think bigger projects should play a more pro-active role in acknowledging, and if possible, mentoring new/smaller projects.

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> Only 10 #activityPub projects have more than 10k users.

Which 10? Are there more than 10 that are have AP federation fully functional?


True that, but it is hard to maintain all and take the time to discover thé rest. (most libre project are entirely held alive by more or less one people)

time to put some light on worthy things, like
i also want to see more spot light on bridges made with the fediverse and ways to help regular people move in, not only beard white cis guys with free time, money, and tech literacy

@dansup Is anyone working on a ticktock alternative? Sort of like a hybrid of peertube and pixelfed? Or is pixelfed hoping to fill that space?

Pixelfed has also lacked proper threaded comments for too long.

It's fixed in the new design, can't wait to release this! #pixelfed

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@dansup it's probably not my place to say but being able to upload pictures from the device i take pictures on is more important to 99.9% of users than translations or threaded comments (or even comments at all)


Pixelfed has lacked proper i18n for too long.

I'm fixing that, every string in the new design will support i18n! #pixelfed #i18n

Michael Zeevi

@dansup I'd love to contribute to translation.
Could you direct me to instructions how to do so via GitHub?

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