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788 posts total
Darius Kazemi

Just spotted the headline "Astronomers see 6,000-mile water vapour plume blasting from Saturn moon". Okay but can you imagine how good this would have been if it were from Uranus

Darius Kazemi

Metaphor-a-Minute, my first Twitter bot, or at least the first one I approached as part of my art practice, would have turned 11 years old today.

Darius Kazemi

Collective memory on the internet is wild. Some of us are old enough to remember Twitter!! It was a whole thing for over a decade. Learn your history

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Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@darius @evan Some say we even had sites *before* Twitter, but no archeological evidence to support this has been found yet.


@darius not sure what you're talking about, all I remember before Fediverse is NNTP newsgroups (and bulletin board systems before that)

Eric the Cerise


Apparently, it's still around. Those old projects never seem to die properly.

Darius Kazemi

Maybe I'll start a nasty rumor that a local water bureau official diverted funds earmarked for conservation into repairing a lock gate

Because, you know, what's good for the sluice is good for the slander šŸ˜Ž

Darius Kazemi

Enjoying Portland thunder and lightning fediverse right now (for those not local: yes it rains here a lot but thunder and lightning are rare)

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@darius Seattle had a lovely light show, too! Seemed like it was coming up the sound, or from the Olympics.

Your friendly 'net denizen

@darius I was impressed with the amount of thunder I was hearing this morning.

Darius Kazemi

Here is an intermediate-level for those of you who have found The Content, but now have Too Much Content:

Many apps (including the Mastodon web app) let you turn off all boosts in your timeline. On the Mastodon web app you click the "settings" button at the top of the Home timeline and deselect "Show boosts". Then you will only see content posted by people you follow, no boosted stuff.

I like how the timeline feels following 1000+ accounts I picked, but not seeing any boosts.

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@darius It's certainly useful in some circumstances, and I'm glad to see this feature promoted, as it's not immediately obvious to new Mastodon users. However, I find it to be of limited use in solving the curation problem.

My issue isn't boosted vs. non-boosted, it's content that's relevant to me vs. content that isn't. Solving the latter will require changes to the Mastodon filtering, to make it far more granular than it currently is.



Irony alert.

If I had boosts turned off, I'd *not* have seen this post.

You can use Mastodon like an email list if you want but IMO you're walking through a museum with your eyes closed and just looking at the gift shop.

Darius Kazemi

In a serendipitous moment, I ran into @iffybooks at a block party in Philadelphia I happened to wander through!! Super cool to wander a neighborhood event in a city I don't live in and say "hey there's someone I know from the fediverse!"


@darius @iffybooks Iffy Books is one of the few reasons I could ever imagine myself visiting Philly.


@darius @iffybooks wait wait I live in Philly! Care to grab a tasty beverage of some kind while youā€™re here?

Darius Kazemi

"there are no algorithms in our software" is rhetorically isomorphic to "there are no chemicals in our food product"

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Nick Lockwood

@darius one of the most irritating conversations I ever had was with someone who insisted that they were allergic to "all chemicals"

Keith Wilson

@darius @emma Sounds more like ā€œThere are no cakes in our fruitcakeā€. šŸ˜Š

lyrokain :verified_breze:

@darius I totally agree! But does really someone claim to have software without algorithms?

Darius Kazemi

Tired: horseless carriage
Wired: none-horse closĆØd sleigh

Kit Rhett Aultman

@darius That sounds like a phrase from Homestar Runner. I can hear Strong Sad coining the phrase, which then becomes a running gag.

Darius Kazemi

I have been enjoying FeedSeer for better Mastodon link surfacing. It generates a custom news feed based on accounts you follow (Mastodon generates the same trending news for your entire server so it's less customized to you specifically). They have recently introduced a paid tier that I plan to support.

Getting ahead of the replies: I believe this works via the Mastodon API rather than ActivityPub, so if you're not on Masto or a fork thereof you're likely out of luck.

I have been enjoying FeedSeer for better Mastodon link surfacing. It generates a custom news feed based on accounts you follow (Mastodon generates the same trending news for your entire server so it's less customized to you specifically). They have recently introduced a paid tier that I plan to support.

Jan Lehnardt :couchdb:

@darius lol, the thing I wanted searchtodon to become, the tech will be super similar, but somehow this is ok? šŸ« 

Darius Kazemi

just banned my first (self-identified) GPT-powered spam (sorry sorry, art project) reply bot, which confused me for a good couple seconds because it was not really replying to what I wrote but what it imagined I wrote. AKA it was a shoo-in for the usual replies here on the fediverse


@darius But did it have opinions about open source

Darius Kazemi

Just remembered my bot on Dolphin Town, @0E6, that posted just the letter e's and punctuation from Moby Dick, 20 lines at a time. I legitimately can't tell if it completed its task or if it broke haha

Darius Kazemi


This is a notice that your app - veryoldtweets - has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API."

RIP old friend

Darius Kazemi

"Virtual real estate platform Decentraland, once valued at $1 billion, is now in free fall. Revenues have absolutely cratered over the last year, The Block reports, with only a handful of users actually trading virtual real estate [...] The numbers are absolutely brutal. According to the report, only between 20 and 30 people are actually buying and selling property on a weekly basis, amounting to roughly $50,000."

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Enrique Barcelli

@darius @atomicpoet

Well, not really very surprised...

What is surprising is that people still invest their time in writing these articles... probably šŸ¤”

Brian C. Keegan

@darius Thereā€™s nothing different between virtual real estate and name-a-star scams.

Darius Kazemi

Finally, a way to use the internet to watch celebrities pal around with one another and develop my own parasocial relationship with them! I was not able to imagine this before, but now I can. Thank you Substack

(Screenshot from Substack's announcement of their "Substack Notes" feature)

(Also because this is the fediverse: I AM BEING SARCASTIC I HATE SUBSTACK)


@darius how dare you be sarcastic without using a content warning?

Erin Kissane

@darius Substack is a terrible company*, and/but they are very clever to identify that one of the big attractions of Twitter was that any random personā€  could be plucked from obscurity by the attention of an important person. That's a real source of voltage! (Just not here.)

* I moved my free covid newsletter to them when the previous host failed out and will not be moving it because please god I cannot write it long enough to make it worth moving

ā€  would-be media commentator

Michael Sokolov

@darius is this personalized? It looks kind of like ai celebrity mad libs, aspiring to incorporate your tastes including your actual celeb crushes. Soon it will because there are no secrets any more

Darius Kazemi

It's RFC 1's 54th birthday! If you were unaware, in 2019 I did a blog-a-day project where I read through and summarized/contextualized each of the first RFCs up through RFC 365.

I even uncovered a lost RFC!

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@darius how much info did you have on early arpanet before going into this project? Is there enough context in the RFC alone that you were able to parse it all together?

Anthony Sorace

@darius Itā€™s a great project. I kinda wanted to do something similar (although I definitely didnā€™t have the ambition to do 365) for registered/well-known tcp/udp ports.

Elias MĆ„rtenson

@darius This is one of my favourite blog series of all time. Just wanted to say thank you for it.

Darius Kazemi

Boosting from a friend:

Open job postings at Invest in Open Infrastructure!

- Product Lead
- Engagement Coordinator, Infrastructure
- Research Data Analyst
- Django Developer (short term contract)

More information about the roles and links to apply can be found here! Deadline for applications is May 15.

Lauren Oldja

@darius I can vouch for someone whoā€™d be a good fit for the Django contractor gig. Is it better they just apply directly, or maybe talk to your friend first? LMK

Darius Kazemi

I find myself saying "community-owned independent social media sites" rather than "fediverse" in mixed company because it gets a much better reaction (active interest rather than blank stares)

I realize that the venn diagram of the two does not overlap perfectly but the overlap is precisely the stuff I actually care about and I'd rather be inaccurate in a way that garners interest than similarly-inaccurate in a way that doesn't

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Dan Bruno

@darius heard someone say they thought it was a riff on "metaverse" after hearing it said out loud

Kevin Marks

@darius COISMS is dangerously close to a good acronym



Yes, the framing power of language matters. A lot.

Darius Kazemi

every time I see a friend has moved over to the new AOIR (Association of Internet Researchers) server my heart grows three sizes

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