While I was upgrading my BSD email servers, the postman came and delivered this.
Thank you, @mwl !
While I was upgrading my BSD email servers, the postman came and delivered this. Thank you, @mwl ! I wrote a small script to generate (random) private IPv6 network address. I'm not sure if it will be useful to anyone. I use it in many places, like generating Wireguard private addresses or in network testing environments. As I'm slowly migrating to Codeberg, I decided to share this. It should work on FreeBSD, Linux and MacOS. https://codeberg.org/tarastella/ipv6-net-generator #ipv6 #network #wireguard #vpn #intranet #macos #freebsd #linux @tara Remember to add a LICENSE, even on small scripts if you want to allow others to use it. I made it! Finished my Big Walk with both feet intact, although my boots are considerably less buffed than they were. Also, one trouser leg is clarted with mud from where I went up to my knee in a bog. @thebaywindowgirl hooray! very well done, and presumably the shininess of the boots helped to slide you along? Maggie Smith was one of my favorite actresses. Especially in Downton Abbey, she perfectly embodied the stereotype (not even that much of a stereotype, to be honest) of a lady from a bygone era. I hoped to see her again in some production, but given her age, I knew it would be unlikely. Farewell, Lady Violet. @stefano I read your blog post a few days ago, that’s how I found out about the Spamhaus Drop lists. Got to implement a few more of your recommendations as my #OpenBSD/ #Wireguard VPN server currently only speaks IPv4. Thanks for all the info you publish. What's your favorite internet protocol of all time? Anonymous poll
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Voting ended 28 Sep 2024 at 11:40.
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@stefano I wonder if they still use AOL Keywords? It would be wise to maintain their Mastodon Instance, if for no other reason to maintain a single communication channel they control and will always be there. The Sun is setting on a Silent Sunday. #SilentSunday #Photography #Photo #Picture #Ferrara #Italy #Sunset #CityPhotography #AncientCities Hello bsd.cafe! It's nice to meet a few fellow former emacs.ch users here. While I'm not using BSD (for now, probably), I want an interesting local feed, which this instance has :3 I'm mostly interested in Emacs, but this doesn't mean any other subject is excluded from my posts. Hello bsd.cafe I am using FreeBSD on my PC as the only OS. I am also using emacs. You may call me a FOSS enthusiast. I also write in the web - I am currently moving my sites to https://crys.site. While not a complete luddist, I am growing more and more tired of what tech has become. Screw big tech! Seize the means of computation! 💜 Schönen Samstag 💜 I’ve made some additions to the Hermit Project, and I wanted to update you after a few months. https://www.tara.sh/posts/2024/2024-09-14_hermit_update/ The date of this post is non-coincidental. #samstag #saturday #freebsd #hermit #alps #sudtirol #austria #twoyears #nightdrive #dreamytara The gecko in the house doesn’t bother me at all, quite the opposite. What worries me more is one detail: I’ve known these animals since I was born, as they’ve always been quite common in my native area, but around here, you never used to see them much. Just like other animals, typical of more southern regions, that are starting to adapt here as well. Since yesterday, we have a new roommate at home. He decided to come in, knows exactly how to get out, and doesn’t seem afraid of us. We saw him wandering around last night and again this afternoon, but tonight he hasn’t shown up yet. His name is Jack, and he’s a gecko. Since today is Friday the 13th (even though in Italy it’s not considered a "special" day), a little good luck charm is exactly what we needed :-) ok, so "masto-flood" with over 400 followers doesn't saturate my connection nor overflows my rapi |