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I made it! Finished my Big Walk with both feet intact, although my boots are considerably less buffed than they were. Also, one trouser leg is clarted with mud from where I went up to my knee in a bog.
#Walking #Northumberland

Colour photograph looking down on a moorland scene, with rough grass in the foreground, a plantation of trees, and hills beyond. A reservoir nestles in the valley bottom. Blue sky above.
Colour photograph of a small herd of white sheep on a grassy slope. The grass is the pale gold of early autumn. Hills stretch into the distance. The sky is blue.
Colour photograph looking over wooden plank bridge across a burn, to a rising hillside. The hill is covered in in bright bronze autumn bracken. The sky is blue with puffy white clouds.
Colour photograph of me, a middle aged white cis woman, wearing blue trousers, a pinky top, glasses, and a blue peaked hat. I’m holding up a card that reads Finish. I’ve just walked 23 miles, and I look less tired than you might think.

@thebaywindowgirl The knee-high badge of honour … or something.


@thebaywindowgirl Can’t have everything. Tell yourself it’s the smell of carbon being locked away.

laen (lily's new name)

@thebaywindowgirl hooray! very well done, and presumably the shininess of the boots helped to slide you along?


@thebaywindowgirl Well done! Looks like you had a nice day for it.

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