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16 posts total
tired blip

I threw together a thing tonight. Remember the other night when I said I'd started using Distrobox to sanely run Discord, Steam, and Zoom on my Musl-based Linux install that can't run any of those things natively?

Here's all of that Productionized into a contrib dir with instructions. If you're on Alpine, Void Musl, or are in any way intrigued by the idea of containerizing your creepware, this (+distrobox +podman +crun) might be for you

I threw together a thing tonight. Remember the other night when I said I'd started using Distrobox to sanely run Discord, Steam, and Zoom on my Musl-based Linux install that can't run any of those things natively?

Here's all of that Productionized into a contrib dir with instructions. If you're on Alpine, Void Musl, or are in any way intrigued by the idea of containerizing your creepware, this (+distrobox +podman +crun) might be for you

tired blip

Just another shameless(?) blast that I am available for hire and actively seeking my next full-time, part-time, contract, or other infrastructure, devxp/platforms, or systems engineering role (or "DevOps", or "Linux geekery", or whatever help your org needs that's far from web frontend work, really). I'm versed in a myriad of technical things, but also bring with me a love for mentoring fellow engineers, and writing non-dry documentation! - boosts welcome, ty! #FediHire

Just another shameless(?) blast that I am available for hire and actively seeking my next full-time, part-time, contract, or other infrastructure, devxp/platforms, or systems engineering role (or "DevOps", or "Linux geekery", or whatever help your org needs that's far from web frontend work, really). I'm versed in a myriad of technical things, but also bring with me a love for mentoring fellow engineers, and writing non-dry documentation!

tired blip

I got sucked down a rabbit hole learning about food in general tonight. This was by far the most digestible bit for general audiences that I watched, Dr. Lustig discussing the impacts of "type 4" processed foods (making up 60%+ of foods sold in the US) on cellular mitochondrial processes and in turn leading to all sorts of "fun" health problems eating up the US health spend

I also watched some of Dr. Lustig's other, less-easily-digestible work. I have a lot to think on.

I got sucked down a rabbit hole learning about food in general tonight. This was by far the most digestible bit for general audiences that I watched, Dr. Lustig discussing the impacts of "type 4" processed foods (making up 60%+ of foods sold in the US) on cellular mitochondrial processes and in turn leading to all sorts of "fun" health problems eating up the US health spend

Devine Lu Linvega

@klardotsh very good video, thanks for sharing it. It's excellent

tired blip

Okay, time to do a public post finally.

Last week Forem/DEV did a rather huge round of layoffs. My role was impacted, though in a way that means I am still employed for a short while there. I'm grateful for that and for my time there.

So, folks of #fedihire #fedihired, I'm going to be back on the job market soon.

Right now I'd like to prioritize contract and/or part-time (or maybe 4-day full-time) roles in systems, infra, devxp, and web backends. Open-source preferred.

Boosts appreciated! 🧵

tired blip

🧵 pt2: I will, if freelance or part-time contracts don't surface, eventually head back onto the W2 full-time market. I'm fortunate to not immediately need to rush to do so, but expect me to probably start taking interviews to that end in late Oct through November if the sudden pivot into contracting doesn't play out.

But I do think I'd like to explore this free agency a bit and see if I can find a working arrangement that allows me to help many projects on flexible schedules, rather than just 1

tired blip

We're about 6ish weeks out from Seattle Handmade conference and what might, if we can get the people together to do it, be the second PNW Merveilles (and friends thereof) meetup! Friendly reminder to chime in on the Merv forum post ( or here in a thread if you're interested in joining us, and especially to help shape the idea of what we might want to do (aside from cross paths at the conference, for those of us planning to attend!) for such a meetup!

We're about 6ish weeks out from Seattle Handmade conference and what might, if we can get the people together to do it, be the second PNW Merveilles (and friends thereof) meetup! Friendly reminder to chime in on the Merv forum post ( or here in a thread if you're interested in joining us, and especially to help shape the idea of what we might want to do (aside from cross paths at the conference, for those of us planning...

tired blip

And for those of you who saw my "just use this simple TOTP thing" toot earlier to @neauoire, behold, this thing we found when I got tired of unfucking another C tool:

It's not for people who want their batteries included. To be useful you need to provide your own Base32 decoder. But if you're building some dmenu-based shit with a bunch of Unix pipes, or porting some C to Uxn..... this will be your shit for sure.

tired blip

I've used *a lot* of "try to replace bash/zsh/dash/ash/fish" types of shells. Most of them I wind up not liking after a while because they get a little too crafty and a little too much like "real languages" than a shell language. Elvish was maybe the closest I ever got to liking such a shell, but I seem to recall various quirks driving me away.

Koi,, looks like maybe my next such toy to play with. Seems to *really* keep that "hack it up" shell spirit, but elegantly.

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Milo 2600

@klardotsh is there a reason for trying to replace more standard shells? I like the standards 🤷


@klardotsh Ahhh you reminded me I actually tried really hard to implement an alternative shell in my min programming language:

The idea isn't that bad: apart from the slightly counter-intuitive postfix notation, a concatenative language should work well as the basis for a shell (no need for pipes, weehee!). BUT I am not happy of the result so far because...


@klardotsh what do you think about nushell? I’ve been experimenting with that a bit recently and have been liking it

tired blip

Oh right order confirmations are bilingual, I'd forgotten about that (my eyes read the email from the bottom up and so I was like "dafuq why is an Amazon receipt in French?")


@klardotsh Votre achat est confirmé tabarnak de câlice de merde de croissant :flan_le_french:

tired blip

I have no art skills whatsoever, but you know what I do have?

And onions.

Enjoy #theLogo in organic form :merveillesbg: (and then go show some love to all the artists on the tag doing really cool remixes of the logo this weekend!)

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Devine Lu Linvega

@klardotsh this is some apex merveilles stuff!
🥔 🥔 🥔
🥔 🥔 🥔

edit: pshaw!


@klardotsh every time i think ive seen everything this trend has to offer, im swiftly proven wrong. the creativity and playfulness yall have going in every corner of your community is inspiring.

tired blip

Thanks in big parts to @neauoire throwing out the design I had in mind for mounting these panels and instead proposing this way better location and method, and their help on the assembly side... My solar panels are mounted, and hot damn they look pretty. Not wired yet - that's a tomorrow problem. For now, dinner time!


tired blip

Forgot to upload these last night. Here's Inner Harbour at the cusp of dark, with Parliament looking gorgeous as always.

tired blip

Finally updated with tons of bullet-pointed details about the boat: the construction, the sails, the electrical, the instrumentation, some tools, etc.

I will eventually make sub-pages for various bits of this because it's currently a run-on mess, but whatever, I'll have time for that Later (TM).


@klardotsh Great write-up :). Look forward to reading more about your projects and installations.

tired blip

A friend of mine recently burned out on maintaining open-source software and communities, and had been half-joking for a while that they wanted a sassy license to the effect of "I release this code for free, take it or leave it, or go do it yourself".

Tonight I wrote that license for and with him. Please enjoy the "Fork Off" Public License, v0.9:

(I'll tag a v1.0 after any feedback y'all might have to clarify things or make it funnier. Forking it is also of course ok.)

A friend of mine recently burned out on maintaining open-source software and communities, and had been half-joking for a while that they wanted a sassy license to the effect of "I release this code for free, take it or leave it, or go do it yourself".

Tonight I wrote that license for and with him. Please enjoy the "Fork Off" Public License, v0.9:

tired blip

Josh plays with 9Front on MNT Reform: a thread

It's fuckin weird, to start. I have a cursor at... what I think is the bootloader? Definitely one of the least discoverable UXes I've ever been greeted with to start a system.

After fucking it up once I finally figured out that you just keep mashing enter and eventually reach a prompt. Definitely reminds me of early Gentoo/Arch/Crux in that regard lol... "just faceroll until something boots"

tired blip

Hands down fastest booting OS I've ever touched though, once I figured out the "just push play" thing. It's like 2 sec from power to bootloader, and like 2 frames from that to this

tired blip

Per the Ship of Theseus conundrum, this boat is officially no longer Cara Mia. We've removed so much unnecessary shit that it's finally, officially, unrecognizable (guts wise) as the boat I bought, and becomes Cloudy Day Real Estate today.

Unexpectedly dead fridge? Gone. About 100lbs of redundant (or already dead / going nowhere, or so old and corroded as to be unsafe) copper wires? Gone. Old radio? Coming out. All the old AC charge and inverter systems that my new setup makes redundant? GONE.

tired blip

TIL of "wofati houses", which are a heat-retaining log cabin-like design for cold and/or wet climates like the PNW and Montana. they're also hella cheap, well-lit, and seemingly spacious!

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