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tired blip

Josh plays with 9Front on MNT Reform: a thread

It's fuckin weird, to start. I have a cursor at... what I think is the bootloader? Definitely one of the least discoverable UXes I've ever been greeted with to start a system.

After fucking it up once I finally figured out that you just keep mashing enter and eventually reach a prompt. Definitely reminds me of early Gentoo/Arch/Crux in that regard lol... "just faceroll until something boots"

tired blip

Hands down fastest booting OS I've ever touched though, once I figured out the "just push play" thing. It's like 2 sec from power to bootloader, and like 2 frames from that to this

tired blip

so far I've managed to launch acme and then immediately erase all the buttons from its menu bar with no clue of how I did it or how to get them back so you could say this is going well

tired blip

okay I figured it out: left and right click do things differently than I expected. not right or wrong, just... different.

this window manager is for the birds so far though man. I've been a tiling WM guy for well over a decade and this literally, physically, hurts (I have the trackball module installed, so this "right click and hold while dragging to create term windows" thing is a dance)

tired blip

the mouse working in acme is kinda cool, and it does a solid job of trying to preview files when I click on them. what I can't figure out so far (I'm gonna have to find the man pages, somewhere) is how to write and save a new file. I have, however, gotten this terminal into a very wild state:

tired blip

my energy is fading fast this evening, gonna have to call this a night, though I did finally find (and give a first readthrough to) the acme manpage which makes a few things make far more sense. should have time to play more tomorrow or Saturday :)

tired blip

this window manager is not yet growing on me, but the FQA, cat-v, and @khm are starting to open my eyes a bit to some genuinely cool thinking in plan9

the example of webfs replacing the need to dynamically (or statically, for that matter) link something like libcurl into every binary is... bananas. FUSE taken to the logical extreme, perhaps

hey @neauoire you sent me down this cursed+blessed rabbit hole, what do you recommend I play with in here?

tired blip

@neauoire @khm does...

does plan9 support real languages?

*ducks* :P

I might toy with it


@klardotsh @neauoire the people who made go are the people who made plan 9; go supports plan 9. we had a python port but we deleted it when we moved off Mercurial. rc is a *fantastic* scripting language. there are various forths, a lisp, and uxn.

but C is all you need.


@khm @klardotsh @neauoire without doubt, Plan 9 C is the best C. It's highlevel where it needs to be, it's lowlevel like you're used to. Plan 9 provides many good libraries for all system interactions, even smaller stuff like parsing parameters easily.

Also system code is very readable, especially compared with other OSes. And you get great tools like g, src, ...

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