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43 posts total
Baldur Bjarnason

Forgot to post this during the weekend but here are a few retro #cat photos, all dating back to the 90s.

Baldur Bjarnason

“Neatnik Notes · The InclusiveWeb”

> An IndieWeb that isn’t inclusive offers no value to the world.

Baldur Bjarnason

Neighbour doing the rounds in the garden #caturday

Baldur Bjarnason

And, bonus #caturday, this neighbour came for a short visit and did a routine inspection tour of the flat 😄

Baldur Bjarnason

Kolka, my sister’s cat, having a very relaxed weekend. #caturday

Baldur Bjarnason

This neighbour came for a short visit earlier and seemed to be in good spirits. #caturday

Baldur Bjarnason

There is an upside to how dysfunctional Google has become in it’s post-layoff all-in-on-Ai era. For every spam website that rises to the top of their badly maintained search engine a dozen pirated movies and TV series that are otherwise unavailable in Iceland get hosted on Youtube

Baldur Bjarnason

Youtube has always been lax at taking down black and white movies and older European movies (like 60s and 70s stuff)

I’m guessing that’s because studios have to submit material for content ID and don’t care or don’t have the files for older stuff, but I’ve been seeing HD videos, both old and newish (post 2000) so it’s starting to look like their content ID system isn’t working as well as it used to

Loukas Christodoulou

@baldur this new era of the party in the ruins.

Baldur Bjarnason

“How do you accidentally run for President of Iceland? | by Anna Andersen”

Glad somebody wrote about this because it’s an objectively hilarious UX case study

(And they just announced that eleven people managed to get the requisite number of endorsements in time)

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Dorothea Salo

@baldur YIKE. Sent to my colleagues who teach UX.

Deetlebee's Twitter Hideaway

@baldur I sent this to our UX research team as an example for them to use to show people how important UX is!

Sepi Girardi

@baldur tl;dr am now running for president of ireland

Baldur Bjarnason

Please stop using generated art for thumbnails and illustrations for videos and blog posts that aren’t generated themselves. It gives people the impression that the post is spammy bullshit. Starting to see people dismiss links out of hand just because of the preview thumbnail on social media

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Generated images. They don't deserve to be called art.

Petra van Cronenburg

@baldur "that aren’t generated themselves": what do you want to say? Art is always generated by one or some artists. This means that a human (or even an animal) has painted, photographed, drawn, glued it etc.
And it sounds perhaps crazy but human artists exist who work with generative AI.

Andrew Gallagher

@baldur It seems that hosting sites (substack) are now adding genAI link preview images automatically, without the knowledge of the post author or them even appearing in the actual post. This is because on certain social sites (facebook) posts without a preview image get fewer clicks…. and clicks are everything. 😉

Baldur Bjarnason

For today’s #caturday, a few pictures from late 2022 when Kolka had just recently arrived at my sister’s and was still in the process of getting acclimated to people and investigating her surroundings

Baldur Bjarnason

For today’s #caturday post, another batch of photos from my sister of her cat Kolka, a black-and-white rescue who has gone from semi-feral to “hey, people give scritches!”

Baldur Bjarnason

“Adactio: Journal—Ad revenue”

The important point: behavioural ads aren’t actually more effective than the rest.

Baldur Bjarnason

“Antitrust, Meta, Apple and more | Ian Betteridge”

"But governments mandate how products are designed all the time, and not just in the EU."

Baldur Bjarnason

My sister just sent me another batch of photos of her cat, Kolka, who is very much enjoying the comfort of indoors

(Kolka spent the first 18 months of her life outdoors in the Icelandic weather and seems to be quite done with outdoors thankyewverymuch, to my sister’s relief.)


Baldur Bjarnason

I’ll let you in on a secret: I love sporadically updated weblogs. I subscribe to over 1200 feeds and most of them are sporadic or even technically “inactive”. Months often pass between updates

It means that every post published was important to the writer

Back in the days of snail mail, letters that began with “It’s been a while since I last wrote to you” were the ones people cherished the most

You don’t need to post every day or even every week to have a blog that matters

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@baldur true. I think the idea to push a stream of updates is based on how the algorithm pushed posts on other platforms or that search engines tend to put regularly updated sites upper in their results.

Mitch Wagner

@baldur Absolutely yes—this is one of the primary advantages of using a feed reader.


@baldur Amen! Not only is my blog sporadically updated, but I subscribe to hundreds of the same.

Baldur Bjarnason

“There is no EU cookie banner law”

"But also because, while people think terrible banners are legal requirements enforced from the EU, most cookie banners are actually… illegal according to the EU law."

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@baldur and that explains why all the ones I see from places that generally comply with the law like the Royal Society of chemistry have reject all as the default

Emme Ci 🍉

@baldur I know it's not the ideal solution, but I'd recommend everyone install the Consent-o-matic browser extension.

It automatically fills out cookie popups based on your preferences and it's getting better and better.

Miles :verified:

@baldur I get mad every time I see a "this website only uses technical cookies" banner, especially on public institutions' websites

Baldur Bjarnason

“Following Links - Jim Nielsen’s Blog”

I always try to follow links. You always end up somewhere interesting.

Baldur Bjarnason

My sister has sent me another batch of photos of her cat, Kolka, being very relaxed. Hard to imagine that this cat was semi-feral and hid from all people when she first arrived


Baldur Bjarnason

“No more forever projects — Diana Kimball Berlin”

This is an aspect of creating book-like objects that I happen to really enjoy.

Baldur Bjarnason

JFC, people in tech are really out there saying that language models will be better at therapy, financial advice, and career advice than trained people.

WTF is wrong with you people? Do you really have no clue about what other people’s jobs actually involve?

Language models can’t even do maths how are they supposed to get good at financial advice?

And therapy? Just… 😑

What’s wrong with people in tech?

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@baldur while it certainly won't replace therapists its actually a useful tool, already used by people to cope with stuff. It's in some cases more useful than a therapist, for example at 3am in the night when there is a mental breakdown going on or when you rather need someone to just listen and don't want to think about how that person thinks of you. Also if there is a crisis ai is a fast first responder and are surprisingly good at comforting humans

✿ Floby 💉😷💨

@baldur my bet is on tech people resenting these business folks for putting their office in the basement


@baldur People I Tech are stupid. They will promise the earth and deliver nothing. They also have little to no knowledge about what other people do and have no respect for what other people do. When they say that AI will can do what a doctor does ask them to seek patient care with the AI and you will note how quickly they backtrack.

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