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Baldur Bjarnason

“There is no EU cookie banner law”

"But also because, while people think terrible banners are legal requirements enforced from the EU, most cookie banners are actually… illegal according to the EU law."

Mx Amber Alex

@baldur websites could simply NOT use 800 cookies to sell all my data.

The banners are terrible to discourage people from painstakingly opting out of everything, and to make them angry and turn them against privacy laws.


@baldur @socketwench

I used cookies for logins but people got upset that I didnt have a banner.
It was an easy people pleasey thing to do.

Don Marti

@baldur Good point -- GitHub is also mostly free of these (except for some pages for "marketing to enterprise users")

there should also be a way to make the GPC standard -- required in California and Colorado -- work for Europe's GDPR


@baldur and that explains why all the ones I see from places that generally comply with the law like the Royal Society of chemistry have reject all as the default

Emme Ci 🍉

@baldur I know it's not the ideal solution, but I'd recommend everyone install the Consent-o-matic browser extension.

It automatically fills out cookie popups based on your preferences and it's getting better and better.

Miles :verified:

@baldur I get mad every time I see a "this website only uses technical cookies" banner, especially on public institutions' websites

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