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Baldur Bjarnason

“How do you accidentally run for President of Iceland? | by Anna Andersen”

Glad somebody wrote about this because it’s an objectively hilarious UX case study

(And they just announced that eleven people managed to get the requisite number of endorsements in time)

Craig Grannell

@baldur Also turns out it’s fun trying to vote from overseas. Quite why this requires citizens to visit the bloody embassy is beyond me. What a waste of time/resources/energy.

Baldur Bjarnason

@craiggrannell Oh, lord yeah. The hassle I used to have to go through to vote when I was living in the UK and Canada was unbelievable. A couple of times I actually just timed trips home to coincide with elections just to make sure I’d be able to vote. So badly thought out.

John Pettigrew

@baldur Absolutely love this! A great example of why good UX design matters - and just putting yourself into the user's shoes instead of bashing out something that's "hey, good enough!"



i hope none of those 11 people running are respresenting the FREEDUMB to remain in the home and die of a volcano opening up

young ullrich

@baldur this is how i accidentally became president of iceland and welcome to jackass

Jeff Grigg


I wonder what the risk level is of someone else intentionally and "maliciously" registering you to be a candidate!

All citizens over 35 years old are at risk!!!

And (for the mistaken and "victims"), I wonder what the odds are of getting endorsed -- from the long list confusing people, so they chose randomly or incorrectly. It's 1,500 out of the 382,000 population.

Baldur Bjarnason

@JeffGrigg No, there is an auth system based on the Icelandic digital id system so only you can register yourself.

Jeff Grigg

@adamsaidsomething @baldur

Well, they were going to be divorced anyway.

It wasn't a randomly selected couple. It's not like just anyone might suddenly find they've been accidently divorced. They had started the process.

Duchess Of Spook👻👻👻

@baldur We tried to have elections in Snork and something similar happened. Somehow my cousin was elected, and if you know my cousin you know how badly that ended.

Regardless, how do I vote for you?


@baldur that is pretty confusing, I’m surprised there were only 11

Kote Isaev

@baldur If I was making that, i would make a dedicated pages for candidates, with their photo, name, official details, and 🎉 programme, and section with "Do you want to endorse [Candidate name] as presidential candidate?" question and Yes/ no buttons... And way for candidate to share link to that their [candidate page].

Dorothea Salo

@baldur YIKE. Sent to my colleagues who teach UX.

Deetlebee's Twitter Hideaway

@baldur I sent this to our UX research team as an example for them to use to show people how important UX is!

Sepi Girardi

@baldur tl;dr am now running for president of ireland

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