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5 posts total
Joseph Cox

New from 404 Media: Google is serving AI images of mushrooms when users search for some species. Very risky, potentially fatal error for foragers who are trying to find what mushrooms are safe to eat. Could have "devastating consequences" one expert said

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Sternentau :antifa:


Asked about three years ago, what would happen if there plopping thousands of new mAIshrooms articles in Wikipedia.

Andre_601 🇨🇭 :kt_bs:

@josephcox in all fairness: Using google to determine what mushrooms are edible is a stupid and risky move in general.
It's better to directly use proper sources than just googling stuff.

Joseph Cox

Turns out Perplexity, the AI company that has been ripping off journalism, started by posing as academics and using those fake credentials to scrape Twitter

Joseph Cox

New from 404 Media: we’ve obtained an internal Google database detailing thousands of privacy/security incidents. Everything from Street View collecting license plate data, to childrens’ voices being recorded. Most not previously reported

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Binary Large Octopus

@josephcox I'd say even one more reason for #decentralization and #selfhosting, but such an incident shouldn't even surprise anyone anymore by now.

Joseph Cox

New AI twist on old scam—a law firm is emailing outlets, saying they’ve used images without permission. To fix the issue, the outlet needs to add a link to a specific gadget review site. But law firm doesn’t seem real, uses AI generated photos of lawyers


@josephcox It does seem that AI has really revolutionized the scam and fraud industry.


@josephcox Critical thinking is now vitally important to survival, as vital as fire or water or food.

Joseph Cox

Wild: Google confirms it *is* throttling YouTube load times for some viewers. Firefox users reported the issue today. Google says, instead, it’s supposed to tackle ad-blockers regardless of the browser used

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Some Puffstool

@josephcox Yeah, I don't buy Google's excuses for a second, considering their history of covertly irritating users into switching to Chrome (i.e. death by 1000 cuts).

In general, people would be able to tolerate ads if they were properly vetted, were less numerous, and were less intrusive. But since doing that doesn't make the line go up, this will never happen unless companies are essentially forced to.


@josephcox It's impressive to me how eager companies have been lately to make their product worse and less useable in order to "make money". They're REALLY banking on being absolutely irreplacable.


@josephcox ah, so it’s not my computers. Assholes.

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