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Joseph Cox

New from 404 Media: we’ve obtained an internal Google database detailing thousands of privacy/security incidents. Everything from Street View collecting license plate data, to childrens’ voices being recorded. Most not previously reported

Joseph Cox

Here is just a very small sample of what is included in this database that we obtained and verified.

Adam Shostack :donor: :rebelverified:

@josephcox I wonder if that Sabre incident is covered in mandatory breach notices?

Allen Versfeld

@josephcox Damn though, that "Recommendations based on what you delete" sounds awesome, I would LOVE to be able to send a "Never show me anything like this again" signal. No wonder it was against policy.


@uastronomer @josephcox huh? That IS possible. That's the signal you send by saying not interested or don't recommend channel!

Laukidh :ablobcool:

@josephcox @neurovagrant oh, I have that issue with YouTube recs based on deleted history.

Duchamp Pérez

@josephcox @Laukidh @neurovagrant I have a strong suspicion that they lack enough people to properly implement these features

Duchamp Pérez

@Laukidh @josephcox @neurovagrant Sometimes we do need a team bigger than what a pizza and feed to build big systems

Mark Gardner

@josephcox @davidgerard “There is no #cloud, just someone else’s (buggy) computer.”


@josephcox AKA just another day on the internet in 2024. 😡

Yuri Arabadji

Looks like a list of bugs rather than deliberate wrongdoing.

David Love

Agreed. A culture where employees can speak up without fear of reprisal when they find a problem is good.

This result is making these lists public is to make Google employees less likely to admit to mistakes. It doesn't decrease the number of mistakes.

Binary Large Octopus

@josephcox I'd say even one more reason for #decentralization and #selfhosting, but such an incident shouldn't even surprise anyone anymore by now.

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