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Dr. Quadragon ❌
so I just realized I did a sizable project and never posted about it publically

last year I spent a few months on and off reverse engineering Pinball Fantasies (a 1992 video game; originally for Amiga, though I was reversing the more polished DOS port) with the intent of doing a game engine recreation, and then rewrote the logic as a Rust program

you can grab the result here: ; if you're interested in the internals of a 1992 DOS game written by demoscene people, I wrote down some (rather incomplete) notes here:

I'd also like to thank @domi for porting this thing to browser environment with WASM, and hosting the result:

so I just realized I did a sizable project and never posted about it publically

last year I spent a few months on and off reverse engineering Pinball Fantasies (a 1992 video game; originally for Amiga, though I was reversing the more polished DOS port) with the intent of doing a game engine recreation, and then rewrote the logic as a Rust program
Dr. Quadragon ❌

ipv4 + windows + chrome user agent is the cishet of web traffic

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I hate the "If we just stigmatize something/demonize someone hard enough, maybe it will go away" approach to... pretty much everything.

Whatever problem the society has, moral panic is very rarely a solution, and is infinitely more likely to be a part of the problem, actively making things worse for everybody. There are cases where it basically is the entire problem.

I'm glad that as a society we're moving away from that medieval mindset, although the pace could be much faster.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I present to you: a case study in bad . One could teach a whole week of design class using this.

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Miguel Tavares

@fuzzychef this is why I love harding so much.

King Zog I of Albania
@fuzzychef Things a 14-year-old's dick says after he bumps into a boob walking in between classes
Trash Panda
What's wrong with it? It's clearly states that if you got a boner you got a boner, so what? Nothing to be ashamed of. It's just a stiffy. Any penis haver gets those.
If you hard
Then you hard.

I approve!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Did you know that porn addiction isn't a thing?

"If the concept of pornography addiction were true, then porn-related problems would go up, regardless of morality, as porn use goes up. But the researchers didn’t find that. In fact, they cite numerous studies showing that even feeling like you struggle to control your porn use doesn’t actually predict more porn use. What that means is that the people who report great anguish over controlling their porn use aren’t actually using more porn; they just feel worse about it.

Having moral conflict over your porn use (PPMI) does turn out to be bad for you. But that's not because of the porn. Instead, higher levels of moral conflict over porn use predict higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and diminished sexual well-being, as well as religious and spiritual struggles. In one study by Perry and Whitehead, pornography use predicted depression over a period of six years, but only in men who disapproved of porn use. Continuing to use porn when you believe that it is bad is harmful. Believing that you are addicted to porn and telling yourself that you're unable to control your porn use hurts your well-being. It's not the porn, but the unresolved, unexamined moral conflict."

TL;DR: Porn addiction isn't a thing, and if you feel harmed by it, you can get help but you're not addicted to porn, you just have something else going on.

Enjoy being horny and enjoying yourself, just know that porn isn't inherently addictive like heroin.

EDIT: I don't know how to say that I'm using heroin as a *metaphor* for how *prudes and conservatives* use view both drugs and pornography. That they are both the same in their eyes, not mine. They don't rally around gambling being a vice as much as natural existence.

Did you know that porn addiction isn't a thing?

"If the concept of pornography addiction were true, then porn-related problems would go up, regardless of morality, as porn use goes up. But the researchers didn’t find that. In fact, they cite numerous studies showing that even feeling like you struggle to control your porn use doesn’t actually predict more porn use. What that means...

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Unit Autumn

thank you so much for sharing this, it makes perfect sense and i appreciate knowing the research consensus…. yet another thing my religious upbringing and trauma got completely wrong >>

Toni :v_big: :v_bi: :v_ach: :v_pat:

@q It's almost as if purity culture is the problem and enjoying "naughty" content is perfectly natural.

Orange Lantern Not surprising. It's always a very specific type coming forward talking about their "porn addiction". It's like "oh no, I'm not really watching porn, I'm too pure and christian for that, but I got curious once and caught in a vicious cycle of addiction beyond my control. Pls believe me." ​:neofox_bottom:​

Yeah, right. C'mon. Just enjoy your porn.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

301 терабит (это ~37,5 терабайт в секунду, если что), без какого-то сумасшедшего хайтека, по совершенно очереднярской оптике, без прокладки новых кабелей. Просто с хитреньким усилителем.

Если эта технология вне лабораторных условий покажет себя хотя бы вполовину так же хорошо, то это - готовая премия Тьюринга, и крепкая заявка на еще одну сетевую революцию. Если ей позволят свершиться, разумеется.


cc @Chia

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Cute Ferret 🐿️🦄

@drq @rf @Chia звучит многообещающе. Надеюсь это не будет одно из тех самых инженерных открытий что взрывает мозг, но использоваться все равно никем не будет, за неимением готовых решений и желания как либо двигаться и так хорошо зарабатывающих провайдеров.
Ждем продвижения :blobcatcoffee:


@drq @rf @Chia возможно, такая оптика может быть полезна для проводных vr гарнитур, если они кому-то ещё будут нужны. Оптика легче провода и позволит изображение гонять без каких-либо сжатий. Надо лишь сделать её достаточно прочной и гибкой, чтобы не сломалась при первом же резком повороте

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Самое сложное в отдыхе - замедлить свой внутренний ритм, чтоб попустило.


@Chia Вот берете вы отпуск, 2 недели. Чтобы точно отпустило надо 1 неделя и вот уже остаётся 1 неделя отдыха

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Мой любимый журнал открыл краудфандинг. Вдруг он вам тоже понравился и вы хотите кинуть копеечку главреду.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Take-Two закрывает студии разработчиков Rollerdrome и Kerbal Space Program 2, потому что 🖕 :blobcatfluffowo:

Gnosyz 🖖

@th3rdsergeevich Ну после того как с Кербал 2 обосрались по полной это не удивительно

Dr. Quadragon ❌
@drq @margin знаешь же мемную гифку где грузовик все никак не налетит на столб?

Вот как-то так принимают патчи. Особенно на такие фундаментальные вещи.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Время отдыхать.
Разумеется, я единственный долбоклюй, в +3 упершийся гулять среди не до конца растаявших снегов.

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J. B. Thomson

@rf @ru @Russia @miller359 Вспоминаются слова Габора Матэ:

> Капитализм – это эксплуатация одного человека другим, а социализм – это наоборот.

Григорий Клюшников

для этого для начала надо уметь "отдыхать"

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