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Dr. Quadragon ❌

If we're going to have a world without privacy, then it's only if:

- no one, and I mean *no one either on the planet off the planet* has any way to keep secrets whatsoever (impossible);
- the laws are materialistic (up to being strictly positivistic in nature), not idealistic, do not incriminate basic human behaviour, are based not on punishment but on harm reduction, and are clear from all "victimless crime" bullshit (possible, theoretically, but ain't gonna happen);
- there are no bad actors like stalkers and sociopaths anywhere (impossible).

In case all three are not met, the loss of privacy is a disaster.


Probably will happen anyway.

Privacy as we know it is relatively new thing, might as well be a glitch.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@shuro Well, that's debatable because, evidently, there's more than one kind of privacy, just like there's more than one kind of freedom.

I don't know the exact terms, but from what I gather, there's incidental privacy (as in, nobody cares about you enough to find out your secrets) - this one is natural and has been there basically forever, and the other one is intentional (as in, I won't tell you my secrets even if you ask because they're a) none of your business, b) you knowing them means potential harm to me, so fuck off). The latter one is an invention and yes, it's relatively new, although its beginnings are almost as old as the society, and is almost a requirement for society as we know it (as a collection of independent self-responsible individuals) to exist. Humans are social animals, true, but we're not Zerg. We're not evolved to be an insect-like hivemind.

@shuro Well, that's debatable because, evidently, there's more than one kind of privacy, just like there's more than one kind of freedom.

I don't know the exact terms, but from what I gather, there's incidental privacy (as in, nobody cares about you enough to find out your secrets) - this one is natural and has been there basically forever, and the other one is intentional (as in, I won't tell you my secrets even if you ask because they're a) none of your business, b) you knowing them means potential...


Also it is not binary but is a multidimensional spectrum. The combination of acceptable and expected varies all the time so I wonder where we end up.

Some things are even required to be kept private (e.g. certain aspects of sexual life) while others are expected to be something no one needs to hide.

Sometimes I think this is where privacy argument fails. Blanket privacy doesn't make sense to the most people so they just dismiss fight for such just like they dismiss radical pacifists, anarchists, vegans and everyone else with all or nothing standpoint.

Also it is not binary but is a multidimensional spectrum. The combination of acceptable and expected varies all the time so I wonder where we end up.

Some things are even required to be kept private (e.g. certain aspects of sexual life) while others are expected to be something no one needs to hide.

Dr. Quadragon ❌


> Some things are even required to be kept private (e.g. certain aspects of sexual life)

The relationship between sexuality and privacy is a very juicy topic, by the way. There's loads and loads to discuss here, but, I think, that's a topic for another thread.

I see privacy (the intentional kind, at least) as the reverse side of the freedom of speech. If an individual or a group have the right to decide, at their own discretion, what to disclose and to whom, they should as well have the right to decide what *not* to disclose.

Most people don't care about both of those because they, paradoxically, are used to their presence, and are taking them for granted. They have no clear picture in their mind of consequences of them losing those rights, which are really, really not good.


> Some things are even required to be kept private (e.g. certain aspects of sexual life)

The relationship between sexuality and privacy is a very juicy topic, by the way. There's loads and loads to discuss here, but, I think, that's a topic for another thread.

I see privacy (the intentional kind, at least) as the reverse side of the freedom of speech. If an individual or a group have the right to decide, at their own discretion, what to disclose and to whom, they should as well have the right...

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