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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@rf напоминаю: сегодняшний FMN - будет в понедельник


@drq @rf

Дак он же всегда в понедельник...


@drq о, спасибо! Я напрочь забыла.
Удачного концерта!

Следовательно завтрашний понедельник уже сегодня.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@rf Народ, у нас тут образовался еще один билет на НТР. Кто хочет пойти на концерт за так?

Upd: Билет отдан

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Москвичи, там это... Выступает НТР. Тыж-тыж-тыж, например.

Я уже взял билеты. Вы тоже налетайте!


@drq @rf бля а тот клуб где они несколько лет подряд выступали же сгорел :D
Dr. Quadragon ❌

This new comic about goblin girl facing the horrors of capitalism is treasure

Dr. Quadragon ❌

В Туле запретили рвать шаблоны

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Только что @n0icz описала одним прежложением:

"В моей миске видно дно!"

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Alex, NO!

на mml полняли голову и увидели дно? )))

Sarotar постучав по дну щепки можно услышать жалобы из mml на шум ​:Jokerge:​


@drq @n0icz application error там видно, а не дно

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Social anxiety is an expensive disability to have - it costs you oportunities as well as perspectives.


@drq As bad as it is, sometimes that's all that keeps you from making the wrong decisions and getting too close to the wrong people.

No, I am not paid by the social anxiety cult to shill it, I just wish we lived in a better world, where I wouldn't have to think about how I regret no more than about a half the decisions I didn't make because of anxiety.

It's all too easy to post hoc attribute all the correct precautions to one's own knowledge and intelligence, and all the incorrect ones to anxiety. Unfortunately, that's not how it works most of the time. As with most things, there is a subtle balance at play here, and that's what's really sad.

@drq As bad as it is, sometimes that's all that keeps you from making the wrong decisions and getting too close to the wrong people.

No, I am not paid by the social anxiety cult to shill it, I just wish we lived in a better world, where I wouldn't have to think about how I regret no more than about a half the decisions I didn't make because of anxiety.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I have been asked this, and yes, sign-ups and overall traffic from #Brazil are picking up today, following the #X ban. Bem-vindos ao Mastodon!

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Eugen Rochko

Aug 10, 10 sign-ups from #Brazil. Aug 28, 152 sign-ups from Brazil. Today, 4.2k sign-ups from Brazil. Portuguese (Brazil) has already entered the list of top 8 active languages for the last 30 days.

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