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6 posts total
Parade du Grotesque 💀

At the end of the day, COVID-19 made people realize:

- They could work from home and that most offices are shitty places.

- Their job was really shitty.

- Governments could finance pretty much anything they wanted.

- Global warming could be stopped.

- The really important jobs were the ones that are the worst paid (nurses, for instance).

- Most governments are run by idiots, who are in the pocket of the wealthiest.

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@ParadeGrotesque Not enough people realized these things, but many did.

Maggie Maybe

@ParadeGrotesque it also showed a lot of women that their husbands don’t actually like them, and that they are actively choosing not to participate with the family. Take away all that extra “busy stuff” that kept them away from home, and they lost their minds.
They realized that it’s not that he doesn’t have time, it’s that he doesn’t want to so he won’t.


@ParadeGrotesque yet our leaders still seem to have learned nothing. In the early days of the pandemic I figured the covid experience would prepare us for the next pandemic, but I think in some ways we're worse off now than in 2019.

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@ParadeGrotesque конкуренция всегда заканчивается монополией.


@ParadeGrotesque @MichaelD Firefox ist doing well, can’t understand the use it at 6-10% worldwide

Parade du Grotesque 💀

How to manage an Eaton UPS with #OpenBSD and NUT:

A few lines in French, and a few paste operations, but very interesting nonetheless.

And I just discovered the NUT project:

Parade du Grotesque 💀

Hear the message, and attain liberation and enlightenment.

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@ParadeGrotesque yep, I have this saved on my desktop and look at it periodically. Thank you for sharing!

Just Matthew


Never seen that yet it's very accurate. The game is rigged. The fact it's a game is the first level upon which it is rigged.


@ParadeGrotesque @IAmDannyBoling And when the money they loaned to the middle class kids that want more throws suddenly evaporates (because a different rich kid running a bank somehow doesn’t understand how interest rates work), they expect the carnival to force the kids working there to band together and give them all their money back out of their own pockets.

Privatize the bullseyes and hand the carnival barkers the losses.

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