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zariweya 🇪🇺💻🦝

@ParadeGrotesque - What browser do you use?
- Chromium on Linux.
- You freak!

:sbahri_peek: Vavency :sbahri_sparkle:​

"It's all chrome?" :blobfoxlurk2owonotice:​
:sgahri_gun:​ "Always has been."


@ParadeGrotesque Nearly the entire front end of the web is built on open source technology originally developed for Linux desktop.

Parade du Grotesque 💀


Good, but I am not worried about Linux technologies. I am worried about what corporations add, in terms of intrusive surveillance.

Rat Dad™

I switched to brave because I didn't like Mozilla, and now all chromium browsers have made some UI changes that I can't stand. My options so far appear to be: don't use the web

It's great. I love it here.

Melvin Marthin Pattinaya

@ParadeGrotesque pada jadi Chromium, sisa Firefox yang beda sendiri 😔

J3RN :fedora: :elixir: :emacs:

@ParadeGrotesque Opera once had its own engine, but that was several years ago 😓

Parade du Grotesque 💀


Yup. And it was very good too. I wish they would open source it.

Many Colors, Many Forms, Many Flavors, Maybe More



@ParadeGrotesque As much as I dislike Google. I must say I still use Vivaldi because of some features : multiple profiles, tab folders and actual good built-in adblock.

Jawsh Mizzle
I recall reading about a completely new browser and stack a while back that was being developed from the ground up and not based off Firefox or Chromium. Can't remember the name. I'm sure I bookmarked on a device tho. Makes me want to check them all later.
Dr. Juande Santander-Vela

@ParadeGrotesque @a plus Safari… but in the end, after a bloom of web rendering engines (Trident, anyone? Also don’t remember the name of Opera’s engine), only three remain: WebKit for Safari (desktop and mobile) and Konqueror; Blink for Chrome (and many others, including Vivaldi, Edge, Brave…); and Gecko for Firefox.

And Blink is a fork of WebKit…

Daniel ☀:oh_no_bubble:

@ParadeGrotesque Safari is missing, which is WebKit, which Google originally used for Chrome until they forked it into Blink.

Dawid Rejowski

@altim @ParadeGrotesque @harld

No, but both were build on top of WebKit.
And WebKit is based on KHTML...

So they are siblings.

Atropa Birdperson

@altim no, but they have some shared ancestory. Chrome is based on an old version of safari WebKit, but they parted ways a long time ago. They’re very different engines these days


@ParadeGrotesque remember the time that people where bitching that ie was trying to put there standard on everything. But yeah you all didn’t want EdgeHtml and see what it brought us. But now webdesigners are celebrating what everybody didn’t want I big party that determines how html css and such should be implemented. And Firefox

lebout2canap ⏚

@ParadeGrotesque There is an error in the alt text, there are not six logos on the first part, but nine.


@ParadeGrotesque конкуренция всегда заканчивается монополией.


@ParadeGrotesque @MichaelD Firefox ist doing well, can’t understand the use it at 6-10% worldwide

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