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Parade du Grotesque 💀

At the end of the day, COVID-19 made people realize:

- They could work from home and that most offices are shitty places.

- Their job was really shitty.

- Governments could finance pretty much anything they wanted.

- Global warming could be stopped.

- The really important jobs were the ones that are the worst paid (nurses, for instance).

- Most governments are run by idiots, who are in the pocket of the wealthiest.


@ParadeGrotesque And that many governments are wholly unprepared to face a real crisis.


@ParadeGrotesque Unfortunately, it seems a lot of people have forgotten and went back to status quo...

Mike Morris

@powerbook5300 @ParadeGrotesque I don't think people "just forgot". I think the propaganda factories are/have been working really, REALLY hard to MAKE people forget so that everything can go back to the status quo and protect their wealth funnels.

Idealistic Pragmatist :mstdn:

@ParadeGrotesque @dialect I certainly know bunches of people who learned those things. I don’t think most people learned much of anything, though.


@IPEdmonton @ParadeGrotesque @dialect to be fair "live and don't learn" seems to be standard, which is rather depressing

David Mitchell :CApride:

@ParadeGrotesque @dialect @IPEdmonton

What people might know in their hearts, what they know but won’t admit to themselves, mean nothing if the incentives and coercive systems don’t change.

Idealistic Pragmatist :mstdn:

@DavidM_yeg @ParadeGrotesque @dialect I don’t think most people are in the “know in their hearts, won’t admit to themselves” place, though. I certainly know bunches of those too (some of them from here), but they too are the minority.



Oh yeah...we have more than enough money to fix everything.

But we don't have the will.

We're doomed.

Steve Hill 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇪🇺

@ParadeGrotesque I think I disagree with this...

- government can finance whatever short term project they want. Don't think you can just spend indefinitely. But there's certainly a few one-off projects that they could fund to make a big impact on climate change.

- the people doing the "important jobs" are still getting the shaft, and the grifters are still getting rich, so I guess no one cares?

Parade du Grotesque 💀


See some of my previous posts: politicians can finance pretty much anything they want, as long as they are willing to tax the wealthiest.

Since they are now in the pocket of the wealthiest, they won't tax the hand that feeds them.

Also, people may have realized that nurses, janitors, delivery people, etc... Are the ones holding society together and doing real work. But politicians are still unwilling to tax the rich, hence nothing has changed.

Mike Taylor 🦕

@ParadeGrotesque It may have made people *realise* these things, but we don't seem to have *learned* any of them.



last but mist important:
Most governments are run by idiots, who are in the pocket of the wealthiest.
And thats only possible because we sheeps are electing them. 🐑


@ParadeGrotesque We realized that all the hedge fund owners and money managers are completely unnecessary. They only funnel money to the rich. We realized that the rich are willing to let us all die to make lots more money. They prolonged the pandemic so the could make a “killing”. What was it? A trillion? We realized the air could smell fresher than we ever knew. I live in a big city.


@ParadeGrotesque Not enough people realized these things, but many did.

Maggie Maybe

@ParadeGrotesque it also showed a lot of women that their husbands don’t actually like them, and that they are actively choosing not to participate with the family. Take away all that extra “busy stuff” that kept them away from home, and they lost their minds.
They realized that it’s not that he doesn’t have time, it’s that he doesn’t want to so he won’t.


@ParadeGrotesque yet our leaders still seem to have learned nothing. In the early days of the pandemic I figured the covid experience would prepare us for the next pandemic, but I think in some ways we're worse off now than in 2019.

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